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Phil was coming towards him, and he wasn't wearing any clothes. He was dripping with water, looking like he'd just emerged from the lake once more...

The water slid down his chest, each drop sliding slowly, purposefully, with amazing clarity. Dan followed the droplets with his eyes, leading lower and lower, which happened to reveal that Phil was naked...

Then Phil was closer than ever, and his hands were trailing over Dan's chest, which was also naked, Dan realized. Except Phil's touch didn't hurt, it felt good, so good, and Dan was pressing closer, aligning their bodies, breathing into Phil's neck as his hands took claim over Dan's body...

Dan woke with a start, sweaty and breathing heavily. He felt embarrassed, thinking of what he'd been dreaming about, and not for the first time either. It'd been a week since his and Phil's little nightly adventure down to the lake, and he'd been dreaming about it ever since. He couldn't deny that Phil was very attractive, and they'd both been completely naked in that lake. Dan still had Phil's clothes, the pink shirt, the (now hidden under his pillow) Slytherin scarf, and the knee high socks which he'd surprisingly taken a liking to.

"Wake up!" someone outside his hangings shouted, followed by the familiar attack on his curtains. He was thankful for the locking spells he'd put on them, seeing as he was visibly aroused from his dream.

"I am up!" Dan groaned, and the assault on his bed eased slightly.

Dan wondered what he was going to do about his dreams. He clearly couldn't let it continue to happen, not when it included Phil Lester of all people. Plus, Dan didn't really plan to date while he was still in school. He wasn't even sure that he was going to end up dating someone in the magical world. Because despite the fact that he was a wizard, which already put him into a smaller category of people, he was also a gay wizard, which he felt even more isolated for.

He wasn't sure if he was ever even going to tell anybody. No one knew that he was gay, there was no way anyone could know. Unless he'd been caught unawares staring at a cute boy, though Dan would never let that happen.

So, obviously, the dreams needed to stop. If it happened again, Dan would have to do something about it. Because what if Dan mumbled in his sleep, or god forbid, moaned, and then followed it with a name? A boy's name? Or what if someone hexed him and he was forced to share something embarrassing? Really, with magic, there were so many ways that secrets could be found out, and so Dan would have to nip this bud at the source.

"Dan?" a voice called, familiar and female. Dan grumbled under his breath, seeing as how it wasn't fair that girls were allowed in the boy's dormitories, but boys weren't allowed in the girl ones.

Or most boys, anyway.

In Dan's second year, he'd ventured up the stairs in search of Louise. He hadn't known about the stair thing, where they would collapse into a slide if a boy ventured up them, but it hadn't mattered, because the stairs stayed quite stable. Once at the top, Dan had looked around the room, annoyed to find it empty, and very absent of his friend.

He'd turned to go back down the stairs, when he'd heard some girls coming up. Undeterred, he'd continued to the door, about to venture down the stairs, when he overhear their conversation.

"I almost wish a boy would try to come up here again. It was so funny last year, when Joe fell on his face!" The girls were giggling, and Dan had stopped in his tracks, frozen. Why hadn't Joe been able to make it to the girls' dormitory? Why had he fallen on his face?

"At least if another boy came up, we'd get the slide back for a while. That's always fun."

Realizing that it shouldn't have been possible for Dan to be up there, he'd raced across the room and dived under a bed, one that was hopefully Louise's.

A Wizard's MisgivingsWhere stories live. Discover now