The Red Princess

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She smiled as soon as she looked up at the tall blonde. Aro watched his daughter, observing her every move. She had changed since Paris. Never in her life had she given a time of day to the guests her father had. With that Aro stood up and clapped his hands together.

"Mio Caro, your room is ready. You should go and relax after all your traveling, as well as preparing for the ball tomorrow evening. I'd like you to come to court in the morning your marvelous skills may be of great use to us with this case." She smiled at her father.

"MIO pedre have you missed my talents that much? I can do wonders to any persons mind. I shall indeed be there then."

"We have indeed been at a loss without you Mia bella. It would be great help to see the many lies in which man tells. Good evening my daughter." With that she left the room

I walked into my old room and immediately felt at home. The smell of cedar and mint filling my senses. Even though I was a vampire I loved the scent of tea, so I always had a pot of peppermint tea sitting on a table. Usually the human help would drink it once I left the room, unless I had a human guest. A few books were scattered around the room otherwise it was neat and organized. My father had always said I was over critical about how perfect everything looked, I guess it's true but I never liked to admit to it. After a few minutes of wandering a maid walked in with everything I had asked for, If there was going to be a ball I had to look nice especially since our new guest was very handsome and currently not engaged.

"Carlisle take her for a walk if you'd like. No need to be shy or worried about my thoughts."

"Thanks Aro but I don't believe she is as interested in me as I am her."

"My my, looks can be deceiving can't they. If she didn't like you Carlisle you would know." A hint of a smile appeared upon his face.

Y/N POV (I promise this is my last POV change for this chapter)

I picked up my kitten fate, and walked out of my room. I had planned to sit in the garden for awhile to collect my scattered thoughts. As I passed the court room Carlisle walked out.

"Hey did you want to walk with me? I was just heading to the garden." (By the way your power is to be able to read and change what a person is thinking and about to say)

"Yeah that'd be great." I smiled.

"So how did you become a vampire Carlisle?" He hesitated.

"Well my father and other pastors led hunts for werewolves, witches, and vampires, claiming that they were attempting to rid the world of evil and sin. Many a time, however, these groups would end up killing innocent citizens. As my father aged, I  took over the raids. Although I  was less at ease about killing as my father was, but I found  a real coven of vampires inhabiting the sewers of London. I led a hunt after them, and in the chaos that ensued, I  was attacked and left bleeding in the street by a vampire. Knowing what my father would do, I  hid in a potato cellar during my transformation, emerging three days later as a vampire. I had been repelled and horrified by what I had become, and tried various ways of killing myself, including starvation, drowning, and jumping off cliffs. Eventually I  was so desperate for blood that while I  was hiding in a cave in a forest I  attacked and fed on a herd of passing deer. I had found that I  could survive off animal blood and considered this much more humane than drinking the blood of a human, which is also why I have golden eyes rather than red like yours and the rest of your families." I nodded.

"I'm sorry that's awful."

"It's fine things happen for a reason. How about you? Did Aro turn you?"

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