"Who's we?"

  "Me, Cassidy, and Amy. He and Cass actually dated, but he treated her like trash. She broke up with him, and that's when he went to the life he's living now."

  So that ass wipe hurt Cassidy... "Is his real name Oink?"

  "Don't know. He never told us." 

  "I've heard enough." I was just about to leave, but I stop at the door. "You're alive today, but if you call the cops on me, or anyone else for that matter, you'll be gone. So don't go telling all of your stupid ass friends, got it?" Madison nods, and I walk back to Cassidy's house. The list of fuckers I have to kill is starting to get longer.

  (Cassidy's POV)

   I slept great last night! I pull the covers back and look at my leg. Blood leaked through the bandage and onto my sheets and cover. I should probably change the bandaid. I go to the bathroom so that I can. When I finally clean my wound up, I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is still that orangish red color, and honestly, I don't even feel like changing it.

  A silverish chain flashes on my neck in the mirror. I almost forgot what it was. Did I sleep with this on? Come to think of it, where's Chucky? He wasn't on the beanbag he slept on last night. I go back into my room to find him laying across my bed.

  "You called, Princess?" He snickers. Oh, thank goodness. I thought he left to do who knows what.

  "I was just wondering where you were," I tell him.

  "I've been here. Downstairs."

  "Oh, ok. Well, what's the plan for today?" I plop down on the bed beside him.

  "I have some shit to do within the next hour or so. I don't expect you to come with me. Unless, you're not afraid."

  "What would I be afraid of?" Chucky smiles at me but doesn't say anything. "I'm not afraid!" I have no idea what I'm about to get into,  but when I go places with Chucky now, I feel so safe and protected form anything. It's funny that I depend on a life size doll to protect me... but he's not just a doll. On the outside, he is. But deep down inside is Charles Lee Ray, the Lakeshore Strangler, the guy I didn't personally know, but somehow fell in love with.

  "You'd probably get in my way anyway," he goes on, wiping the previous blood off his knife. "I doubt you've got what it takes."

  "I'm sure I do!" I pout. It can't be that bad right?

  "Well if you're going, we have to leave like right now. Time is ticking."

  That's that. We hop in the car and I wait for him to tell me where I'm going.

  "Remember that mall we were at? Yeah, go there," he tells me.

  I kind of want to ask why, but I'm not going to. He'll probably just tell me to stop like he always does. I'll let him do his thing.

    We arrive at the mall, and he tells me to pull around the back. "Uh, Chucky?" I say, starting to get nervous. "Can I ask why we're back here?"

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