"You are not a dark wizard Sev. Dumbledore would never have asked Sirius to do this if he thought you couldn't do it too." Lily stated flatly.

"It must have slipped his mind like sending your clothes. I can not cast a patronus with a dark mark on my arm Lily!" Severus bit back.

"Lily call Shelby" Sirius directed.

Lily was confused but called for Shelby. "Yes, Miss Lily."

"Now tell her to go get Dumbledore." Sirius smirked. Lily gave a knowing nod and sent Shelby on her way.

"This is a ridiculous waste of time!" fumed Severus. Before they could argue about it further Shelby and Dumbledore were there. "Headmaster sir, can you please explain to these dunderheads that a dark wizard can not cast a patronus charm." Severus said with arrogance.

"Ah! I see why I'm here now. Severus is correct. It would be a grave and painful mistake for a dark wizard to try to cast a patronus charm." Severus looked at them smugly; arms crossed at his chest with his head tilted upward knowing he had proven his point. Lily, Remus and Sirius were all looking to Dumbledore like he had done something cruel. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he said "But seeing as how there are no dark wizards here I suggest you four get to work!"

Severus swiftly turned to the headmaster "Sir, I am branded. I can not cast a patronus!"

Dumbledore gave a small smile "Severus my boy, a dark wizard is defined by what is in his heart, not by markings on his body. You can and will cast a patronus. Now if that is all I was needed for I must go."

"Sir ummmm..... You forgot to send our stuff over." Lily said timidly.

"I did. I apologize Miss Evans. I will bring them later tonight. I expect to know what each of your patronus's are by then. Especially yours Severus!" Dumbledore said before chuckling and disappearing.

"Now if you will please stand here!" Sirius said looking at Severus with an I told you so look.

Severus was defeated and honestly a little scared. Lore told that if a dark wizard were to try to cast a patronus charm he would be eaten by maggots. He gathered his courage and walked over to stand to the left of Lily.

"Now you will need the happiest memory you have. I don't need to hear it. Just think about it. Concentrate on it. Let that memory fill you with happiness. Now take your wand and make circles with it; when you feel like you can't get any happier say "Expecto Patronum."" Sirius explaining the spell while doing it himself. Sirius of course produced his usual dog. Remus produced a decent size amount of silver mist. Lily almost had it and Severus produced a faint amount of silver smoke. Sirius was concentrating on his dog to allow the others to see that it could stay and would act as the animal would in nature. Sirius broke his concentration and the dog disappeared. "That was a very good first try! Lily you almost had it! Remus you're not far behind. Severus.....if it were going to kill you, you'd be dead. I seen the silver smoke. Relax and try harder."

After many attempts and hours later Lily was playing with her fox. Remus was watching his amazingly ironic wolf and Severus almost had it. "Dude. You are holding back. You are so close, it's like you are intentionally not allowing it to form. What is wrong?" Sirius asked frustrated.

Severus narrowed his eyes "I told you I can not do this!"

"The hell you can't! You are breaking concentration right before it forms! This would be like me fucking up a potion on purpose because I'm scared it would actually work! What the hell is holding you back?" Sirius barked at him.

Lily overheard every word and thought she had a good idea what Severus was doing. "Hey Sev! Can people walk in and out of our little bubble?" she asked smiling.

"Yes Lily anyone invited in or inside when it's cast can come and go as they please." Severus answered her.

"Sirius and Remus I think we've had enough of this today. How about you guys go in and find something for us to do tonight. Me and Sev will be in shortly." Lily trying to usher them off.

"Sounds good to me!" Sirius said and both men walked toward the house.

Lily watched until she seen them close the door on the house. "Sev, Sirius is right. I know why you won't let it form. You are scared of what it will be. You think you are some vile person not worthy of anything good or pure. You are wrong." Lily whispered as she was hugging him from behind.

"No, Lily you are wrong!" Severus said through gritted teeth.

Lily got on her tiptoes so her lips brushed his ear with every word "Then cast that fucking patronus and prove me wrong then!" she hissed.

"Fine! I will show you what an evil bastard I really am!" he shouted. Severus braced himself thought of the night in the cabin with Lily circled his wand "Expecto Patronum" he almost screamed it. He kept thinking of that night but wouldn't open his eyes. Lily gasped then giggled. The giggling made him open his eyes. "That's not funny Lily!" He spat as he watched the fox roll over on its back kicking its legs in the air.

Lily arched her eyebrow, pulled a smirk, drew her wand and said "Expecto Patronum". The two little foxes were now playing together. The laughter broke the concentration and the foxes disappeared.

"Let's try that again. This is impossible for us to have the same thing." Severus stated still in shock. "1.....2.....3...... "Expecto Patronum"" There again were the two foxes playing together.

"Evil bastard huh...." Lily said as she leaned against him smiling at their foxes.

"Guess not...." Severus said kissing her forehead.

The clap behind them broke the concentration. They both spun around caught off guard.

"I told you." Smirked Sirius.

"Why do you have the same thing?" Remus asked puzzled.

"We have no idea." Lily shrugged.

"Mission accomplished! Let's celebrate!" Sirius said feeling quite proud of himself.

"You better be glad I keep a lot of whiskey around Black!" Severus said laughing.

"Oh, I am. I intend on you paying me in whiskey for teaching you that and gracing you with my presence Snape." Sirius said walking away.

Severus looked down at Lily "I can't wait until that little prick is under me learning potions."

Lily grinned at him playfully slapped his arm and started to walk toward the house. Severus grabbed her wrist pulling her back to him. She smashed into his chest; before a word could be said he grabbed her on the outside of each thigh pulling her up and she wrapped her legs around him. He kissed her hard and passionate, out of breath he pulled away and rested his forehead on hers still panting "Thank you. I love you."

Lily pulled back, she gently pushed his hair from his face so she could see those dark eyes she loved so much "I love you. If I do nothing else I will show you what you are worth. I'm not going anywhere Sev."

All he could do is smile, a true, happy, blissful smile.

"Come on we're missing the party" Lily said trying to wiggle down.

"You may as well stop. I'm not letting you go." He smirked at her.

"Fine then. Take me in the house at least!" she said with a fake pout.

"That I can do! Let's go see whom the weakest link is." he said with a wink.

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