chapter eight ;; edited

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Hojoon sat in the dance studio, staring at his reflection. Sehyuk was a few feet behind him, finding the right track to put on so they could dance.

Everyone else was working in their small offices, Yano was writing music with A - Tom close behind. Byungjoo and Hansol had walked off to get lunch, Hansol happily yapping about getting a puppy.

Jenissi and Jiho were cooped up in the tiny office closet, Jiho teary eyed and upset while Jenissi felt guilty from his recent decision. Nakta and Sangdo — well, they were off doing god knows what.

"Hyung?" Hojoon asked softly, breaking the silence between them. "I don't feel little today."

"Well, that's okay baby. Then we won't do little stuff until you feel like it." Sehyuk flashed him a warm smile through the mirror, making the small male giggle.

"Thank you, Sehyuk - ah. You're so nice to me."

"And you're so cute." Sehyuk took a seat beside Hojoon and kissed his cheek. "Am I allowed to be romantic towards you now?"

"Of course — when Sehyukkie isn't my daddy, he's my boyfriend. Unless... You don't want us to be like that." Hojoon admitted softly, his voice fading nervously. Sehyuk pulled the smaller close to him and kissed him softly, gently caressing his cheek.

"I would love to be your boyfriend, Hojoon, because I love you." He chuckled, ruffling his hair gently. "Now, want to dance?"

Hojoon, a bit flustered, nodded quickly. "Oh, yes please!"

Sehyuk laughed softly and stood up ; pulling Hojoon up with him. "I picked Hurricane, I hope that's alright."

"That's fine, I like Panic! anyways." Hojoon giggled a bit and looked up at his hyung fondly.

Sehyuk grinned and took his hand. "Good." He mused, pulling the smaller closer once the music started.

Hojoon blushed and laced their fingers together as Sehyuk slowly spun him around, leaning into his chest.

The couple dances together as the music played in the background, enjoying each other's company.

After a few hours of dancing, Hojoon wanted to take a break to get some ice cream since he was starting to feel little again. Sehyuk happily obliged, kissing the smaller's forehead. "Let me take a shower first baby, I'm all sweaty."

Hojoon nodded and looked down at his own sweat stained shirt. "I wanna shower, too!"

Sehyuk grinned and took Hojoon's hand, leading him to their changing rooms close to the studio so they could freshen up. "Okay baby, want me to wash your hair for you?"

"Yes please, daddy!"

Hojoon got out of the shower first, a towel wrapped around his shoulders as he toddled around, trying to find his clean clothes.

Sehyuk was shortly after, his towel wrapped loosely around his waist. He chuckled as he watched his little walk around and bend over to look into the groups cubbies, trying to find his own.

"Baby boy, three cubbies over." Sehyuk said with a hint of amusement, grinning as Hojoon squeaked in slight surprise.

Hojoon quickly stood up straight and dropped his towel from his shoulders to cover his bum, looking over at Sehyuk with a pout. "You scared me!"

"Sorry." Sehyuk laughed and walked over, opening Hojoon's cubby. "Hurry up and get dressed, maybe we'll get some bubble tea while we're out, too."

Hojoon perked up instantly, excited. He grabbed his clothes and rushed off to change, making Sehyuk chuckle faintly and get dressed. Once he was done, he stepped into some shoes, waiting for Hojoon by the door.

Hojoon skipped his way over after a few minutes, wearing a sweater and skinny jeans. "Let's go daddy!" He mused, taking Sehyuk's hand and lacing their fingers.

"Alright princess, let's get going." Sehyuk kissed his temple and lead him out of the changing rooms, taking him to the door so they could spend the rest of the afternoon together.

i added more lmao bc i was in class / lazy when i posted the original, shortened chapter, so i added this too

next chapter should be up in the next couple days, depending on whatever else im doing

thanks you guys for so many reads, it means so much, and yes enjoy my smol puppy bc shes v cute
   but also very hard to handle thats why i havent updated in four months lollll

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