chapter six ;;

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who wants sexually deprived Mickey D's worker Yoon Hagui to come back

After throwing away their trash, Hojoon and Sehyuk went to the park. It was a beautiful day out, the sun was shining brightly and not a single cloud was in the sky. Sehyuk held Hojoon's hand, swinging their arms ( upon Hojoon's request ).

Hojoon was eager to go to the park; it wasn't everyday they were allowed to go out in public like this. Now, Hojoon was free to be in his little space and be as childlike as he wanted, because now his daddy was here.

Once they made it to the park, Hojoon gently tugged Sehyuk over to the playground. "Will you please push me on the swings, Daddy?"

"Of course, baby." Sehyuk picked Hojoon up, carrying him over to the swings and setting him in one. Once Hojoon had grasped onto the metal chains, Sehyuk gently pushed against the small of his back, making Hojoon swing.

He repeated this a few more times, a small smile tugging at his lips as Hojoon squealed happily, an excited, "Higher!" edging him to go on.

Sehyuk stood back once Hojoon was at the highest point, smiling triumphantly as Hojoon let out little screams of excitement as he reached the top, before going back down. Eventually, Hojoon wanted to get off, so he slowed the swing and jumped off, practically giving Sehyuk a heart attack.

"Joonie!" He cried in a panic and ran over to the boy who was sitting on the mulch. "Don't do that! You could get hurt."

Hojoon looked up to his daddy, unphased about what he had done and tilted his head.

"Well, okay Daddy.." He said, taking Sehyuk's outstretched hand and rising from the ground, brushing the mulch from his clothes. Sehyuk helped, and pressed a gentle kiss to Hojoon's forehead.

Hojoon smiled happily, taking his daddy's hand and lacing their fingers.

"Ready to go shopping?" Sehyuk asked, and Hojoon's eyes lit up. He nodded excitedly.

"Oh, yes Daddy! Can we go to the mall? The mall has lots of stuffies and pretty clothes and..."

Hojoon babbled on and on about all the amazing things at the mall, mainly the candy stores, as they walked, Sehyuk listening to his baby boy lovingly.

This is what he wanted, this is what he had been missing.

Sehyuk truly wished he would have noticed sooner ; noticed how cute Hojoon was, noticed the way his voice seems to fade away when he gets shy, notice all of the times that Hojoon was so lonely and needed him the most. Sehyuk had so many things he wished he would have done different, but he kept reminding himself he should be grateful for who he has now.

"Daddy? Are you okay?" Hojoon had noticed that Sehyuk had sort of spaced out while he was talking, staring out in front of him with a blank look on his face. Once Hojoon had called him back to reality, he nodded and flashed Hojoon a wide smile, picking him up and pressing a loving kiss to his lips.

"I'm fine, princess. I just realized what a beautiful little I have."

Hojoon blushed shyly and covered his face with his sweater sleeves.

"D - Daddy, shush! You're making me blush!"

"But you're so cute when you blush!" Sehyuk grinned and pinched his cheek, carrying Hojoon into the mall.

Hojoon huffed cutely and hid his face in Sehyuk's chest. "Whatever, Daddy, let's go to the candy store."

- - -

Sehyuk and Hojoon arrived back to the dorms about a few hours later, Hojoon clutching a new stuffie to his chest. Both were very happy and satisfied about their day, Hojoon got some candy and Sehyuk found a nice jacket he thought would go well for their comeback.

The sun had began to set when the two stepped inside, slipping off their shoes and Hojoon ran to his room to introduce his newest stuffie to the others. Sehyuk meanwhile, went to go hide the remainder of the candy bought today in the kitchen when he saw their manager, arms crossed across his chest, a very upset look on his face.

"Manager - nim, what —"

He cut Sehyuk off by holding up his phone, playing a video for him. It was of Sehyuk and Hojoon. At the park, earlier that day.

Sehyuk's eyes widened, a lump beginning to build in his throat. Oh no. This won't be good.

Sehyuk opened his mouth to speak, but his manager silenced him with a death glare.

"Just what the hell is this?"

Yikes yikes yikes

Sorry for taking 3 billion years to update, I hope this is sufficient.

Anyways, what is with the character q&a popularity? Should i do that too???


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