Chapter 7 - Backseat Driver

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(Y/N) drives the trio away from Eddy as his men runs after them with some jumping in trucks and on quadbikes whilst the others shoot on foot.

''Do you even know where you're going?'' Nate shouts, using the machine gun on the back to throw grenades.

''No!'' (Y/N) admits, driving out of the fortress and going through a jungle.

''Here they come!'' Nate warns, the bikes and trucks following suit.

Eddy's men continuously shoot at their jeep and (Y/N) swerves, almost throwing Nate off and he yells, both in fear and triumph. She heads down a rocky cliff edge, glistening in sweat and blood pumped with adrenaline.

''Whoa whoa whoa, watch the cliff!'' Nate yells over the bullets.

''Yes, thank you for that.'' (Y/N) whispers, rolling her eyes. Elena's own eyes widen as (Y/N) just manages to stop them from falling over the edge.

''Oh crap!'' She breathes, reversing and heading back.

''I said watch the cliff!'' Nate emphasises the last two words and she ignores his comment, taking a glance back. ''You all right back there?'' She asks but he waves her off. ''Just drive!''

''What the hell do you think I've been doing?!'' (Y/N) retorts over the gunfire.

A jeep drives in their way and Elena sits back in fear. ''Look out!'' She shouts and Nate shoots at it, the truck exploding and flying over their heads. (Y/N) takes a swing to the right and drives through a tunnel, but the end is blocked and she slows it down.

''Nate?! Shoot it out!'' She instructs and he does, allowing her to just miss the corner and almost send him flying. ''Woah, cliff!'' He reminds her and she nods. ''I see it!''

A wooden barrier blocks their way, the bridge halfway broken in the middle and (Y/N)'s eyebrows crease in worry. ''Uh, Nate?''

''Step on it! Punch it!'' He suggests and she floors it, the jeep jumping straight over the gap and (Y/N) lets out a shaky breath as Elena opens her eyes.

''We made it...'' She breathes out, the jeep breaking the other wooden barrier as Nate chuckles. ''I can't believed that worked!''

''So, who was that guy?'' (Y/N) decides to ask and he gives a nonchalant shrug. ''Just an old business asso- oh look out!'' He screams.

''Hold on!" She warns, swerving to the point where the back of the vehicle teeters dangerously over the edge. Nate barely manages to hang on and (Y/N) turns back to hold out her hand.

''Okay - grab my hand.'' She says, trying to keep her voice calm and Elena gets in the back to help haul him up. Nate climbs over in the driver's seat, allowing (Y/N) to move to the passenger seat.

''You both okay?'' He asks and Elena nods, looking around.

''We're fine - oh, but, you're bleeding.'' (Y/N) realises, placing a shaky hand on him and he chuckles. ''You should know, this goes with the territory.'' He reminds her, trying to kick-start the jeep again.

''Let's get the hell outta here.'' (Y/N) whispers but the jeep doesn't move forward because one of the tyres is stuck on the edge of the bridge. ''Oh, come on!'' Nate mumbles, annoyed.

They all look up to see Eddy walking towards them, sarcastically clapping with his men behind him, their weapons poised. ''Going somewhere?''

''Hey, Eddy!'' Nate greets, smiling.

''Did you really think you could escape from moi?'' Eddy points to himself, holding a shotgun.

''No, no - just giving the young ladies the ten dollar tour.'' Nate jokes and Eddy points. ''Shut it! I bet you're working for them too! You thought you could set me up and keep everything for yourselves, hm?'' He spits, firing the shotgun at the jeep and shattering it's window.

The trio had ducked down and Elena leans forward slightly. ''Damn it! This guy's crazy!'' She whispers and Nate slowly straightens up. ''Eddy, take it easy, buddy.'' He says.

''Well, you're out of luck now. And out of road.'' He reminds them and (Y/N) gives Nate a glance, who reassuringly squeezes her hand. ''Now, give me that map.'' Eddy loads his shotgun, smirking.

''Hold on.'' Nate whispers and Elena and (Y/N) ducks down again, gripping the seat. ''All right, you got me, fair and square.'' Nate surrenders and moves his hand from her grip.

''Hey, don't move!'' Eddy warns and Nate chuckles. ''Relax, Eddy. I'm just getting the map, like you asked.'' He says and lowers his head slightly. ''I said hold on.'' He mumbles to the pair, gritting his teeth.

''We are.'' (Y/N) grumbles back and Elena grips tighter.

''Well, hand it over.'' Eddy orders and Nate shrugs. ''Well now, you told me not to move. Looks like you're gonna have to come get it.''

Eddy lets out a frustrated sigh. ''Tai kamu!'' He exclaims, moving forward but Nate starts the jeep and reverses them back, surprising the girls.

''Nate!'' (Y/N) screams and he instantly reaches for her hand as the impact of the icy water hits them hard.

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