Chapter 4 - Parachutes Of Hope

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(Y/N) wearily cracks her eyes open, the sunlight seeping in and making her immediately close them again. She groans in pain from the impact of the fall, placing a hand to her head.

''Ugh, jeez. I think I've broken every bone in my body.'' The young woman mutters, slowly opening her eyes and sitting up, the pain increasing with every movement. Looking up, she sees the parachute caught on a tree, having fallen out when it got tangled.

Crouching down, she picks up her pistol and stands, heading to the gate as she reloads. Pushing it, it swings open and she walks through, the gun pointed.

Once it's clear, she relaxes, flexing her fingers and taking in her surroundings.

''Let's think about this. Roman's back and trying to kill me; succeeded in killing Sully; left Nate on a burning plane, possibly dead; Elena's also missing, most likely dead too. This is great. Good job, you idiot.'' (Y/N) lists, picking up the pace.


Hearing gunfire in the distance, she takes this as a sign but focuses on the parachute ahead that gives her that needed spark of hope.

"Shit!" (Y/N) curses once she realises that nobody was in it, but soldiers on nonetheless.

Climbing up the vine, (Y/N) stands on the cliff side and squints her eyes at the smoke from the tree. The plane. Half of the plane was stuck in the trees and looked unstable.

Clambering down, she takes note of the deceased men that showed either one of her companions had survived - or even both.With new hope and adrenaline coursing through her, she pulls herself up the rope and the plane wobbles under her.

''Woah... okay, okay, easy.'' She mutters, slowing inching towards the seats. "Okay, the map's gone. Good sign, unless a mercenary took it, which in that case is a bad sign.''

''Nothing left.'' She concludes, turning and making her way back. The plane teeters dangerously forward and she looks out the window to stable herself, spying another parachute dangling on a broken down tower.

''Maybe they both made it.'' (Y/N) states, optimistic.  ''Okay... next parachute, here I come.'' She mutters, sitting down and turning to slide down the rope.


Staring up at the fortress, the woman lets out an annoyed groan.  ''You have got to be kidding.''

She takes a deep breath and climbs around, going in one window and out the other to continue. Making her way down, her hands grip vine and she swings herself in. With an expert roll and steady landing on her feet, she grins and stretches with a slight yawn.  ''Piece of cake.''

More bodies had decorated the area and (Y/N) can't help the slight smirk, making her way up the stairs and towards the parachute.

''Okay, no sign of anyone. That's either very good or very bad." She whistles, going over.

Her fingers lightly grab the parachute when a hand touches her shoulder. In an instant, (Y/N) turns, her first flying when it's grabbed by the other person's free hand.

''Woah, I am not getting punched by a girl again.'' His voice was full of humour, laced with the relief at the sight of her.


He stands in front of her, his signature smirk and his eyes slightly glancing her up and down. "I thought you didn't make it." He admits, giving her a hug and she laughs.

"You should know me by now, I'm not that easy to take down."

"So I've heard."

(Y/N) pulls back, holding him at arms length. "Did you take that as some innuendo because I am disgusted."

Nate scoffs, wagging an accusing finger. "Now - I - I would -"

"Stumble of your words Mr.Drake because I am going to find our lovely Miss Fisher." She quirks an eyebrow. "And find some ass to kick since somebody has done most of it.''

(Y/N) indicates to the body next to them with a nudge of her foot and Nate gives her a sheepish smile.

''Would you like some company, Miss (L/N)?''

''From you? Always."

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