"That's ok.  I understand." I replied.  We talked a little bit more before we reached the headmaster's office.  

"Well here you are, lovie" she said.  "Do you need anything else?"

"Could you come in with me?  I'm kinda nervous."

"Of course!" she replied with all smiles.  We entered the office and then saw the headmaster at his desk.  He had a balding head and wore glasses.  He looked no older than fifty.  He looked up at us and asked if he could help us.

"I'm Bethany Thompson, I'm the new student from America," I said as I stepped forward.  

"Ah! Ms. Thompson, wonderful to have you here at Bridgewood!  I'm Headmaster Doyle," he said with a smile.  "Now, I'm assuming you came to get your schedule for the semester."

I nodded and then he pulled out a file from his file cabinet.  From within the file he brought forth my schedule.  He asked if I needed a guide for the day.  Mary Elise stepped forward then and said she would gladly be my guide.  He nodded and then she became my official guide.

We said goodbye to Headmaster Doyle and then looked at my schedule outside his office. I had Anatomy, Calculus, Music, Art, and Literature.  

"You have Calculus, Art and Literature with me!" Mary Elise squealed.  I smiled at her and asked her if she could direct me to Anatomy.  She nodded and then drug me to the other side of the school.

"Here you are my dear," she said smiling.  "Good luck in there, Professor Jergins is extremely difficult" 

"I think I'll manage." I said smiling.  I gave her a quick hug, thanked her for her help and then entered class.

I looked around and saw there were only ten students, including me, in the class.  Professor Jergins was all the way in the back of the room writing something on a piece of paper.  I decided to walk to the back and introduce myself to him.  I walked about three rows down when I saw him: the pale boy with the curly brown hair and blue green eyes. 

He had numerous tattoos and sort of a scowl on his face.  His blue green eyes followed me until I was behind him.  What the fuck is his problem? I thought to myself.  I approached Professor Jergins and introduced myself.

"Oh!  Ms. Thompson!  What a pleasure it is to have you here!  Here, take a seat next to Mr. Styles," he said pointing to the boy who had been glaring at me earlier.  Well, fuck I thought.

I took a seat next to the Styles boy and looked forward.  I wasn't going to start off the year with an enemy on the first day.  Professor Jergins handed me my textbook and we began the class.  

"Good morning everyone," he said with a smile on his face.  "Welcome back for another year of school and welcome to our new student Ms. Thompson.  Now today we will be reading chapter one from our boo- yes Ms. Meyer?"

A blonde girl in the back asked if we could read with partners.  The Meyer girl was tall, skinny, and pretty.  She looked like a model almost.

"Yes you may," he said.  Everyone was starting to make eye contact with their partners across the room when Professor Jergins killed that dream.  "Your table partner that is.  Now start reading on page 5."

I clenched my jaw together and faced the Styles boy.  He wouldn't look at me for a few moments and then finally smiled at me.  It wasn't a full toothy smile, but just a subtle one.  

"Hi, I'm Harry.  Harry Styles," he said.  

"Bethany.  Bethany Thompson," I said looking back at my anatomy book.  "Page five."

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