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In the wild, animals of all different species experience the joy that comes with adding a new cub, chick, or duckling to the family. Others don't get this experience. This disappointment can be caused by the inability to mate, animals can have defects and may be unable to reproduce, and the list goes on.

Then there are cases where animals may not be from the same species, but have respect and care for each other. For example when an Oxpecker eats ticks off of Rhinos. The Rhino is unfamiliar with the Oxpecker species, or really any type of bird species for that matter. All the Rhino knows is that this bird is helping it stay alive.

Animals are a lot like people. Especially female animals. They're protective, many live in groups, they look out for another, and in the event a family member or friend, no matter what species, is hurt, they will be there with them. All the way...


She didn't think it would ever come back to haunt her again. She thought she was over it, she thought it was gone. As she looked at the girl, thin and pale, she realized that it wasn't over, and that it would never be over.

She wanted to give the case to someone else. She wanted her boss to tell her that she didn't have to take this one. She had worked a lot over the last ten years to get where she is. She didn't need this to come back into her life.

"Dr. Stanton?" The nurse asked slowly tapping her on the shoulder. "Are you ready for surgery?"

Surgery...she had to perform surgery. This girl was going to die if she didn't do anything.

How could this happen to her? She was a respectable doctor with a good reputation, if this ever got out, if her mistake ever got out...she would lose everything. Her parents would disown her. Her life would be over.

Surgery. She flipped through the girls chart one more time to see what procedure she would be having today.

A simple scan of how large the tumor had gotten and a way to remove it.

This girl was going to die. She had never had a patient die on her watch. Even in instances where everyone else thought a patient was going to die, Carrie could find another way. Every single one of her surgeries had been successful. Granted a few were touch and go, but never the less, successful.

"Dr. Stanton?" The nurse called again.

"Prep her for surgery." She answered still vague and unaware. "And set up a meeting with her parents. We need to alert them of all possible outcomes."

"Yes ma'am."

Carrie took a chair and pulled it close to girls bedside. She felt her frigid pale hands and began to stroke her arm.

The girl was a heavy sleeper but Carrie didn't blame her because her body was too weak to truly function.

"Hey Ry..." Carrie began to say. "That's what I wanted your nickname to be. You're so beautiful you know that? You have the bluest eyes and the darkest hair.  A real show stopper you know?"

Carrie paused as she sniffed quietly unable to continue for a moment.

"I'm going to try my best on this one. Everyone told me that I was doing my best with you but I really wasn't. This time, this time, I'll not only try my best but give my best. I have a really great team who will be taking care of you the whole time and it'll be really great I promise. No matter the outcome you'll be great. You'll be beautiful. You'll be beautiful..."


Hi guys!! So excited about this book!!

Confused at all?? Comment down below any questions you have! But don't worry more chapters coming soon!


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