"Hey, Blake, can you do my bangs?" I asked him. He pulled them closer to him.

"Shut your eyes." I did as he told and he quickly sprayed the color on. "There you go. Hopefully I didn't get any on you."

"Don't worry, I'm using purple eyeliner anyway." I replied. I was going to wear more purple eyeliner later; it really brought out my green eyes. Caitlin walked up in a purple dress. 

"Good purplening!" She exclaimed. "I can't believe what just happened! Gavin asked me to homecoming!"

"Congratulations!" Blake hugged her. 

"Finally." I hugged after Blake did. After talking to a very excited Caitlin, I made my way over to the band room to drop off my clarinet. Adrian was sitting down next to his saxophone while Sarah attempted to make conversation, with her flute nowhere in sight. 

"Yep." Adrian replied to something Sarah said while focusing on his music. "Oh, hey Faith." He greeted me, looking up. Sarah scooted closer to him while cutting her eyes at me. I sat next to Adrian on his other side.

"So, Adrian." Sarah started, "Who are going to the dance with?"

I rolled my eyes. 

"I am going with this lovely lady here." Adrian responded, resting his arm on my shoulder and giving me a one-armed hug. "Sorry."

"Whatever." Sarah stormed out of the band hall.

"I can't believe I used to like her." Adrian murmured. I hugged him again. I enjoyed hugging, I really did. He was warm; it was like hugging a teddy bear that hugged you back. It gave me a warm feeling inside. I had a huge crush on Adrian, and I was done with Jason. 

"Neither can I." I answered.

"I meant to ask you, will you come to the football game with me before the dance? Cameron is making me go with him and Esmie to the game, and I don't really want to go alone."

"I would love to, Adrian."

Before the game, Caitlin wanted me to meet her and Gavin in the photography room so we could go to the game together. Adrian and I waited in the photography room, but neither of them came out, even after we called their names several times.

"I'm going to go into the darkroom." I told Adrian, putting my coat down. I walked into the dark corrider, my eyes adjusting and showing me the walls. Eventually, the passage opened up into the dark room, which was only illuminated by a small red bulb. I covered my mouth at what I saw.

Caitlin and Gavin were making out in front of a sink.

I quickly walked back to the classroom so I wouldn't disturb the couple. 

"Where are they?" Adrian asked. I quickly sat down, shaking my head.

"I'll tell you later."

Five minutes later, Caitlin walked out of the darkroom, her hair messed up. Almost as if she read my mind, she pulled out a hairbrush from her bag.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Faith?"

"I CANNOT UNSEE WHAT I HAVE SEEN." I declared. Caitlin looked quizzically at Adrian. 

"Don't ask me, I think she's finally lost it."

"Hey, I lost my sanity a long time ago." I punched Adrian in the arm. Gavin came into the room, standing awkwardly next to Caitlin. 

"Having fun in there?" I innocently asked him. His face went red, and he tried to lean away from Caitlin.

"What?! No..um...lets just go." Gavin and Adrian began walking out.

"Now what were you implying?" Caitlin asked.

"I saw you making out with Gavin." I sang, skipping out of the classroom before she could comprehend what I had said.

"FAITH YOU BASTARD!" She shouted, running after me. "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND PRIVACY?"

"Adrian, protect me from the evil Caitlin monster!" I hid behind him. 

"I'm going to stran- oh my gosh Gavin put me down!" Gavin had picked Caitlin up, bridal style, and started walking out of Washington, with Adrian and I following behind them. 

1290 Words!

The next chapter will be the game and the dance. I was thinking about my story and I had this funny idea: what if Faith caught Gavin and Caitlin making out? So I incorporated it.

I'm sorry this took so long to write. I had writers block because finals are next week. Speaking of exams, the next update might take a while because I'll be studying (trying to maintain those A's)

Please please please comment something. I'll accept criticism and of course, compliments. Comment your own story and I'll be more than happy to check it out and become a fan.! Comment something. Say hello. I want to know that you're out there, dear readers! (I'd really appreciate it)




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