Leaf Wars

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It was already late September. The weather was getting colder, clothes were getting warmer, and the leaves were turning orange, red, and yellow. I put the last of my tank tops in the summer box and closed it. I took out my clarinet to start practicing; this Brahms piece was a little on the difficult side. I started with the measures that were the most difficult. I was about to start the whole song when my phone rang. I set down my clarinet and picked it up. It was Adrian.

"Hey." I said, picking up.

"Hey. Are you busy?"

"Not really, just doing some practicing."

"Really? Which piece?"

"The Brahm's one. What's up?"

"Blake, Cameron, Gavin, Caitlin and I were gonna hang out in the park. You wanna come?"

"Sure. Did you invite Fae?"

"Yea, but she's working. The shop's busy right about now."

"Where are you meeting?"


"Okay, I'll be there." I hung up, packed up my clarinet, and headed downstairs. 

"Mom, I'm going to Blake's!" 

"Have fun sweetie!" I grabbed my black coat and my black boots. Putting them on, I walked to the shed to get my bike, because Blake's was a little farther then Caitlin's.

When I got to Blake's, everyone was sitting on the front steps, waiting. Blake was telling some story, Caitlin and Gavin were a little too close together, Adrian was looking around, and Cameron looked a bit glum.

"Hey guys!" I said walking up. 

"Hey Faith!" Caitlin said, jumping up and walking away from Gavin (who looked a bit sad). Blake waved and continued telling his story. Cameron gave me a half-wave. Adrian just winked.

Of course he did. He definitely had been way more flirty after he texted me and I responded. 

Eventually Blake finished his story and we all walked to the park. I had never actually seen the park, just the ball fields. In the fall, however, it was beautiful. The tree's leaves were beautiful oranges, reds, and yellows, and the littered the ground. I could see a lake to my left, next to a carousel. Adrian appeared next to me.

"Whats up with Cameron?" I asked him.

"Esmie." I rolled my eyes. "She didn't want to come."

"Why is he even attracted to her?"

"Fear. Bribery." Seeing my look, he stopped. "I'm joking. No idea."

"Faith!" Come help me!" Caitlin called. I walked over to her.


"Help me build a leaf pile."

"Aren't we a bit old for that?" She picked up a pile of leaves and threw them at me.

"I need photos. Build the damn leaf pile."

"Yes ma'am." I started kicking leaves in our general direction. Eventually we had a fairly large pile. 

"So why do we need a leaf pile?" I asked Caitlin.

"To push people into it." She pushed some leaves into my hands. "Now we attack the boys."

"Who do you want to get?"

"Gavin." I wiggled my eyebrows. "Oh shut up. I could say the same thing about you and Adrian." I lightly hit her in the arm. 

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