CH 4: Just a New Year's Eve party

Start from the beginning

Both of their muscles visibly relaxed. Neither of them know why they were glad that thet they didn't bring dates...they just were.

"How long have you been here?" she asked.

"Long enough to get some numbers and dance with a few cuties" he smugly smiled.

She rolled her eyes.

"Awe, don't be jealous, T" he said and ruffled her hair.

She gasped, "Darren!" she scolded and attempted to flatten out her once perfectly done hair. "Why would I be jealous? I didn't have a problem when you talked about hooking up with Porsha."

"That was her name? Damn she was loud, but personally I think it means I'm doing my job right," he winked.

Toni made a gagging noise, taking a sip of her drink. "What are you drinking?"

Toni sniffed her drink for the second time that night. It wasn't helping her at all but at least she could look like she knew something. "I don't know. Tastes good." "Oh really? Let me try some." "Well there's some in that pitcher right th-..." She was cut off when Darran took her cup and threw it in the trash. "Hey!"

"Let's dance," he suggested and dragged her back to the dance floor. She was a bit shocked at his sudden proposal but soon felt herself give in. She wasn't sure if it was because of her own actual will or the drinks that sort of gave her a buzz.

"This is my song!" she shouted when 'Drop it Low' started to play.

"This song is so corny" Darren complained.
"Whatever. Dance with me!"

She turned so her back was facing him and made sure to press herself against him while he splayed his hands on her hips. She moved them so smoothly that he had a challenging time trying to catch up.

She was glad to finally know someone here and actually have a good time. She wasn't having this great of a time with Adam.

She giggled when she stumbled a bit, knowing how clumsy she was. Darren was quick to wrap his arms around her, making sure she wouldn't fall flat on her face.

She must be a bit drunk. He thought

Darren freaking hated this song but if it meant Toni having a great time then he guesses he could put up with it.

"I hope you're not tired because I'm having fun" she shouted into his ear.

'Let's Go' by lil Jon came on and she went balistic.

Has she never heard any up to date music? He thought as she went off on her own to dance. He watched her with a raised eyebrow as she moved.


She knew people were watching and didn't care. She closed her eyes and listened to the music. That's what she always did when she was around crowds of people. She closed her eyes and enjoyed herself while they stared, but it didn't matter because she couldn't see them.

I know just the way to have fun she smiled to herself as she came up with a plan.

Darren was talking to a guy in his European History class when he looked back and didn't see Toni anymore.

"Where the hell did she go?" he mumbled to himself. He told his class mate he'd see him around and went to look for. He hoped she didn't find someone else to dance with, he was actually having a good time with her.

He hears a crowd of people cheering and 'Mercy' blasting through the dorm. He go sees what they're looking at and sees Toni on the beer pong table dancing.

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