Wonderful Prince Charming(s) Jikook/Jihope

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The story of Park Jimin ended up similarly as Cinderella, well except Jimin ended up with two princes instead of one, lucky butt.

From the beginning, Jimin grew up in a large mansion outside of the kingdom in the peaceful countryside. His parents thought their child being isolated would be better than the stuffy kingdom atmosphere and here he could be free to have as much space as he wanted.

So little Jimin played in the forest with his father and listened to stories from his mother as she sewed. As his father was away a lot due to his job as a merchant, he spent a lot of time with his mother. He learned to sew, care for their garden, cook, and more duties that a women would usually do in the house. But as he grew older, Jimin learned that he loves to sing and dance, especially dance. His mother would be amused at her son's dancing through the hallways while sweeping the house or singing beautifully while washing dishes.

She almost wished Jimin was a girl instead of a boy so maybe a prince could sweep Jimin off his feet and take him to a happy lifestyle with no worries. Her silly thoughts caused her to laugh and Jimin popped his head inside her study room,"What's so funny mother?" She looked at her adorable, yet handsome son,"Nothing, Jimin ah~ just some silly thoughts. Stop working yourself and come in here and read with me boy." Jimin smiled and nodded as he put away the broom in the cleaning closet near the kitchen. He hurried back to sit on the floor next to his mother, picking up his current literature novel that he was reading.

Jimin eventually fell asleep and his mother played with his hair and smiled sadly at her 14-year-old boy as she knew that she would leave her beautiful boy soon. Her Jimin would be alright? Will he miss her? Sad thoughts ran through her head as she coughed softly. Her illness was no where better and doctor's help was out of the question since It just wouldn't be worth it. Her illness is incurable that the best doctors probably couldn't help her. Jimin's mother simply didn't want to burden her son and husband about this. She wanted them to be happy.

Suddenly, when Jimin had turned 18 recently, Jimin's mother collapsed while she was washing dishes as she listened to Jimin play piano and sing. A dish shattered to the floor as the woman fell, Jimin rushing over and sobbing as he tried to shake her softly and attempting to call her to wake her up, "Umma! Umma!"

His father was home currently and widened his eyes, "Jimin! What happened?" He asked desperately and picked up his wife as he yelled to one of the workers to prepare the carriage.

A son in tears followed along with his father into the carriage and off to the hospital in the kingdom.


It was far too late for treatment, the cancer spread too far for operation as well.

His mother died in her sleep a week later, a week too soon Jimin thought. He was left sobbing with his father patting his back as the coffin was lowered into the ground. A sad moment in Jimin's short life, the lost of his mother too early on.


Two years pass and Jimin is 20 now, his father placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder, "Jimin ah, I'm marrying someone, it's not out of love but of business reasons, she has two nice daughters to talk too, please get along?" It was more of a question than a favor asked and Jimin nodded in silence,"Anything for you father, I'll do my best."

Madame Kim and her two daughters arrived two weeks later to move in. Jimin scrunched his nose slightly at the sight of the three, too much makeup caked up on their faces and their dresses obviously showing too much cleavage. Despite these judging thoughts, Jimin greeted politely and helped carry their things to their new rooms. His new step sisters are Yura and Yuna. Names too similar he might get them mixed up soon.

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