Just a Chase

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I took a deep breath, creasing down the baby pink sundress I was wearing. I did a twirl and grinned at my full length mirror. I had my hair pinned to the side, the dark red hair complimenting the dress I was wearing. I perched my lips, the nerves settling in the pit of my stomach. Why was I so nervous? This was just my graduation party. Nothing would go wrong. 

I ambled over to my window and glanced down to the backyard. My crazy mother went all out and decorated every inch of the backyard, turning it into a wonderland of amazing food and Congrats! Banners. I grinned when I noticed a few friends from my school. 

My room door flung open and Anita stood there. She leaned against the threshold, She smiled, shoving her hands into her front jean packet. The tattoo of a dragon wrapped around her arm, the tail ending on her middle finger. Her short blond hair that was cropped short on one side shined today. Underneath her hair, was a layer of pink sticking out. She was pretty and ruthless. She wore a tight black T-shirt and skinny jeans.

The story of Anita is short. She pissed off her parents and sent her here to learn some discipline. From the little innocent child she was (who I used to bully) to this tattooed and crazy chick, lots have changed. But since Nick broke up with me, we've gotten along. Believe it or not, Anita has some good taste in music and we have the same sense of humor. 


It's been a year since I last saw him. And to be honest, I've moved on. Yeah, getting your heart broken sucks but he lives in California while I'm in the Midwest. I wouldn't have to deal with him. Weirdly, he contacts Anita sometimes. Before jumping to conclusions, Anita isn't interested in Nick anymore. 

"Hey, babe." Grant embraced Anita from behind, giving her a peck on the cheek. She turned in his arms, pressing her red lips against him. Gross. 

"Seriously, guys?" I smiled, "No PDAing at my Grad party."

Anita smirked, "I can't help it. He's just so sexy."

I raised an eyebrow while they attacked each other's faces. I squeezed past them, giving them a dirty look. But of course, they have to make out in front of my room. I made it down the stairs, grinning at my favorite English teacher coming through the front door, "Miss Everdeen! Thanks so much for coming."

Her pixie black hair curled under her ears. She hugged me, "Jackie, you are such an amazing young girl. Here's a little present from me," She handed me a small envelope, "I can't stay for long but I wanted to at least say that."

"Thanks so much." I beamed, pressing the envelope to my chest. She patted my head and sauntered to the backyard. I followed behind her, only to be pulled away by someone. 

My friend Carter smirked at me, his buzzed cut hair looking wet. He must have taken a shower before coming her. He did smell nice too. He towered over me, his lanky body radiating heat onto mine. "Just the girl I was looking for."

"Hey, Carter. Did you get me something?" I asked, eagerly. 

He chuckled, "Calm down there." He patted my head, "I got something for you.... but I want to give it to you in private."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Don't play games with me, Carrot Head." 

He nudged my shoulder, "I would never." He pressed his hand to his chest, "I'm hurt that you would say something like that," A smile curled on his lip and I giggled. 

He opened his mouth to say something when my mother interrupted him, "JACKIE!" She rushed into the kitchen, grabbing a hold of my hand, "Guess who's here?" From the way my mother's face was, I suspected the worse. My heart sunk as I thought of the only person my mother would act like this for.

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