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In the mist of filming, fame, friends and family. I didn't relive how one mistake could take my acting in to real life.

I was 17 when it all first started, I signed on to be one of the main characters in the hit tv show "Secrete Life of the American Teenager". But little did I know, there really is a lot of secretes.

I have always liked acting, I took it very seriously and tried to fit in with my roll and know her very well. But I didn't mean to become my role, living a lie and have to hide things not just from my coworkers but also my family.

I was only 17, maybe I didn't notice everything because I was trying to grow up. But now maybe my story will help kids learn to always think before you act, because just one mess up, one mistake. You could turn your life around in a whole new way.

Off CameraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora