Their Coming!! Part 5

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Sorry it took me so long. I had to finish two reading fair projects and walk to the store then I had to wash my hair and take a shower, but see what had happened was that some shampoo got in my eyes and I was like "Noooo I wasn't ready" then when I tried to reach for a towel I slipped and fell in the shower no my ass hurts and then I had to get my hair done soo I wanted a bang and I had to make the biggest sacrifice of my life which was cutting some of my hair :'(  #TheStruggle


Prod Pov

I can't believe I just kissed Tamara. Did she like it? Am I a bad kisser?? But I like Aniya...what was she about to say.

Tamara and I got up and went inside to see what's going on.

"Prod get your ass up here and help us" Prince screamed from upstairs.

What the hell is going on?!!

Aniya Pov

Lord I don't want to die, I don't want to die...! But I have no choice but to fight back.

Tamara Pov

Me and Prod  went upstairs to see a angry Yn and Aniya going ham at each other. I saw Prince trying to pull Aniya away and Ray and Roc trying to pull Yn away. I just stood there and watched. It was quite funny because I knew they were be freinds again in a few minutes and knowing Yn she has mood swings.

Prod Pov

Aww Shit!!

I am not finna go into that fight and get this beautiful face ruined. :D 

"Yn let go of Niya now" I yelled in anger at how she ignored what I said to her earlier.

Everyone stop what they were doing, this is the angeriest i've been.

''How the hell did this shit happen" I yelled

No one answered.

Yn Pov

I think I just pissed my pants. I never seen Prod like this before. He's one of the sweetest people I met. It take alot for him to be mad.

"Some one better give me a motherfucking answer now" Prod gritted through his teeth

"It was me" I said lowly with my head down

I looked up and saw his face was calm. Him and his damn mood swings. Where the hell he get that from??

"Explain" he said

"Eh bien, lorsque je suis allé à l'étage assis sur mon lit en colère comme l'enfer parce que je pensais qu'elle était un de mes meilleurs amis, elle ne dirait jamais quelque chose comme ça pour moi, jamais. Je sais que j'avais tort de ne pas leur dire, mais c'était parce que je ne veux pas qu'ils se battent pour vous alors quand j'ai découvert Tamara a une petite chose pour Prodigy, alors finalement je les ai invités sur que nous puissions enfin s'asseoir et se détendre sans les combattre tout le temps, je suis désolé Niya pour seulement viennent à vous sans aucun avertissement. Je n'ai parlé il avec vous comme vous voulais faire, je suis désolé."

<A/N French For Dummies: "Well, when I went upstairs sitting on my bed angry as hell because I thought she was one of my best friends, she would never say something like that to me, ever. I know that I was wrong not to tell them, but it was because I did not want them to fight for you then when I found Tamara has a little thing for Prodigy, then finally I invited on we can finally sit back and relax without fighting all the time, I'm sorry Niya only come to you without any warning. I have spoken it with you as you wanted to do, I'm sorry. ">

"I'm sorry to Yn. I let the jealousy and anger get the best of me. i should've talked it out with you instead of calling you a fat ass. I'm suppose to be your best friend I shouldn't have said that to you."

<A/N French For Dummies: "I'm sorry to Yn. I let the jealousy and anger get the best of me. i should've talked it out with you instead of calling you a fat ass. I'm suppose to be your best friend I shouldn't have said that to you."


<A/N French For Dummies: Friends>

"Pas de meilleurs amis"

<French For Dummies: No best friends>

Only Prod and Tamara knew what we were saying and they had that big happy kool-aid smile on their. The rest looked confused as hell while me and Niyah hugged it out.

Tamara Pov

I have to straighten this shit out with Prod.

"Prod I don't mean any harm but that kiss was not suppose to happen, I mean I used to li-" I whispered in his ear but he cutted me off.

"It's all cool I don't know what got over me, I like Aniya anyway" he said plainly



Me and Prod hugged each other and went downstairs.

Aniya Pov

I'm glad everything is fixed but when I Prod hug Tamara I was jeaslous again. I;m thinking that Prod likes her and not me.

I went downstairs into the kitchen where everyone was fixing them something to eat. I grabbed a plate but Prod stopped me.

"Don't worry about that ma, you too cute to be fixing your own plate" He handed me a plate he had already fixed for me. He winked at me and with that he left, leaving me there looking stupid.

OMGDMFG!!! I can't believe Prodigy from Mindless fucking Behavior just winked at me!!!!!!!!

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