II: Here's Your Gift!

Start from the beginning

"I hope everyone is having a blast at Cassidy's 21st Birthday Party!" Diamond says, hyping everyone up. Now it's time to sing happy birthday and eat cake and open gifts!" They all get ready to start singing.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Cassidy. Happy Birthday to you!"

They all cheer after the song and I cut the cake for all of us. No candles, cause they knew I was too impatient to sit here and blow out 21 wax sticks slowly melting over this chocolate piece of heaven. Everyone gets what they want, and there's still plenty left over.

"Oh my gosh, guys! Thanks!" I tell Alyssa, Mario, and Ryan, looking at the small case. They got me Pokemon Sun. "Ooo I'm so hype to play this sometime this week!" There's two gifts left on the table, one with a big, pretty, black bow, and one in sparkling, silver, wrapping paper. I grab the black one first. "From Daniel and Taylor," I read the label out loud, and look up and smile at them before shredding the box open, but careful enough to save the bow. "No way!" I coo, pulling out the boxes contents. It's a super cute bra and panty set that's black and silver. The bra is one big bow, and the panties are cage styled, my favorite! "I'm gonna look so good for myself! Thanks guys!" I cheer.

Finally, the last box is from Lydia, Madison, and Tommy. It's pretty heavy. Once I shred it open, something extremely familiar appears in my eyes. "Whoah..." I gawk, in utter surprise. "How did you- where did- oh my god." I take it out the box, well, him.

"We knew how much you liked Chucky," Tommy starts. "So we found him at Hot Topic!" I can't help but stare at him in complete silence. I run my hands through his hair. Feels so... real.

"Y-you don't like it?" Lydia asks nervously.

"No," I reply. "I FUCKING LOVE IT!" I hug the doll tightly against my chest. "We're twins!" I smile at all of my gifts, but this one is probably the best to be honest. I put all my gifts off the side, and sit Chucky down beside them. "All the gifts are open, so who's ready to get wasted some more?!" I scream. The whole room comes to life once more. This is gonna be one crazy night!

"There's no way you're driving home like that," Daniel commands, taking my keys away.

"Oh come oooon!" I tell him. "I know how to drunk drive! I'm not even drunk, David!" I lean against the car.

"Ok, come on. We're gonna find you a ride."

"I don't need a ride!"


"Pfft, whatevy." He goes to grab my gifts so that I don't have to carry them, and stares at Chucky. He shivers. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just... creepy."

"You're afraid of him?"

"No, he just looks creepy."

"Oh come on, Danny, there's nothing to be afraid of! He's just... A doll! He can't do anything!" I take Chucky away from Daniel and hold him in my arms. "Don't listen to him, Chucky. I think you're super cute!" Daniel rolls his eyes at me.

Madison pulls up on the side of us. "Hey guys, need a ride?" She asks, leaning out the window.

"Yeah, Cassidy does. I don't want her drunk driving," he explains.

"Oh ok, well hop on in!" She tells me.

"Thanks, Madison. I'd take her home myself, but I gotta get Taylor home before her parents wake up. She's not even supposed to be out."

"No prob!" Daniel helps me get my things in the car.

"Ok, talk to you later," Daniel tells me.

"Bye, Danny," I reply. As soon as I get in, I lean against the window and prop my head up with one arm, the other holding onto Chucky. Before I know it, I fall asleep.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty," Tommy says, shaking me awake. "You're home!" I rub my eyes and sit up.

"Damn, ok. Thanks for everything, guys," I tell them, getting my stuff. "Byeee."

"Bye, Cassidy! We love you!" Amy yells out the window, as I slowly tread to the door. I turn around and wave, then head inside and lock the door. I leave everything on the living room table and go upstairs to my room. Completely striping, I jump in bed under the covers and shut the lights off. Forget about pajamas, I'm too drunk for that. Might as well air out the diamond mine anyway.

Before I know it, I'm falling asleep again. I know I'm gonna feel awful in the morning.

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