"Hey Cameron do you have a pencil? I need to borrow one" his soft and silky voice makes its way into my head caressing my eardrums.

"No I don't sorry dude"  Cameron gives Sam a empathic look.

I pear at Samuel through my glasses, pulling out my pencil case, "I h-have one Sam" I say, passing him the best pencil I could find.

"Aw, sweet thanks Lizzy" He flashes me his heart throbbing smile, he takes the pencil from my hand and that moment he takes the pencil from me I feel his finger touches mine and I'm on cloud nine! Stop it Lily you could start drooling again, we all know that should never be repeated again.

"It's lily actually..." I mumble.

He looks back down at his worksheet
And I continue to stare at him dreamily as his eyebrows furrow together in confusion when he reads a question he doesn't understand. I sigh resting my head on my palm, Samuel Jacobs, the hottest man to ever be created and he sits right behind me!

I've been pining over Sam for about five years now, it was love at first sight for me anyways. I just fell in love with the way his perfect dirty blond hair swooped in front of his brown eyes. And just literally everything about him was amazing to me, I could ramble about him all day.

"Earth to Lily" Maya, nudges my arm twice, "uh, oh what?" I blink rapidly looking over at her.

"Did you finish the questions?" Irritation lacing her words.

"Yeah, here" I pass her my sheet.

"I swear you have an obsessive crush over this guy who you think about 24/7 and you still manage to finish all your work, when I haven't even finished my third one." She huffs obviously annoyed.

I laugh, "I can't help it the questions are so easy" I explain, "well for you they are"

"He talked to me today" I sigh happily running a hand through my unruly main.

"Oh ya, what did he say?" maya asks, amusement filling her eyes as she looks over.

"He asked for a pencil" I sigh again sinking further into my seat.

"Mmm, we are making progress" she exclaims sarcastically, throwing her hands up.

I sit up straight in my seat glaring at her, than jabbing her hard on the arm.

"Ow, okay sorry sorry, jeez your so violent" she apologizes, going back to copying down my answer.

Maya and I met in grade five on a field trip, she didn't go to the same school as me at the time but we still managed to meet up somehow.

Our class was visiting an aquarium and maya was visiting with her grand mother. I remember I was very interested in the blowfish I would watch as they blew up like a balloon then deflated minutes later. I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked over to see a smiling maya her red hair pulled up in a tight bun and her green eyes staring at me with excitement and mischief.

That day she said she had found something off limits to everyone else, and of course I was interested so I followed her to the special spot and it was an off limit employee only area. I told her we shouldn't have gone in their but she's stubborn and wanted to do it. So I reluctantly followed, it was the area behind the tank where they fed the fish.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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