"A boy?" She asked.

"Yes... you're a beautiful girl and all but I don't want to hurt him." I said. She looked up at me with those sad brown eyes.

"But you hurt me. I've been looking at you since we were sophomores." She said. She starting to creep me out. I've never noticed this beautiful girl. I ran my hands through my silky hair out of frustration. I wonder if I just ran away would she chase me. I hope not.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you or anything." I said. She shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"Yo Carly!" Keith yelled from down the hall. He lived in the same building as me and he let everyone know that with his loud mouth. I gave him the help me eyes. He frowned and walked over.

"Hey Keith." I hugged him but he looked at Nia.

"Is this your boyfriend?" She asked me.

"I'm her man." Keith said with much bass in his voice.

"I told you." I shrugged. The girl looked from me to Keith and back to me.

"Bye Carly." She went and sat back on the steps.

"That girl fine as fuck and you turned her down why?" Keith said in disbelief. I walked down the hall with him to my door.

"Josh..." I simply said and walked into my room leaving him standing there.

Keith pov

I walked out the building and saw the girl sitting on the steps looking through Snapchat. I tried to walk past her but she yelled hey before I could get away.

"Wassup?" I turned to her. I'm pretty sure I looked annoyed. I mean I was on my way to practice and she holding me up.

"I know that's not your girl." She said.

"Okay?" I shrugged. Time is ticking baby girl.

"Okay why doesn't she want to talk to me?" She asked.

"Because she's in love with my homeboy. Now if you don't mind I'm going to walk away and go to practice." I attempted to walk away but she jumped in front of me like a damn creep. I damn near dropped my work out bag

"Carly come get your girl!" I yelled out hoping she could hear me.

"Stop. What do you think she like to eat?" She asked.

"Pussy now move." I slightly pushed the girl out my way so I could go.

Jordan pov

I put on my Tupac t shirt and some sweats and Jordan's. I grabbed my backpack and headed out my apartment. I got to go to the library and get some peace and quiet so I can type my 6 page report. These professors be having the kid fucked up.

First I had this report. Then I have to do a damn online test for another class. And then I have to do my portfolio for my business class. And to top it all off I have to study for all my test. It doesn't sound like a lot but I really be stressed out.

I was taken out my thoughts by this girl staring at me sitting on the steps of Carly's apartment complex. She looked like she wanted to say something to me.

"Hey." I spoke as I got closer to her.

"Jordan?" She asked. I stopped and frowned. I'm scared now. I've had a stalker before and it wasn't fun.

When I was a sophomore, one of Felix's science geeks would follow me EVERYWHERE. and Felix and I weren't talking at the time so I couldn't tell her to tell him to stop.

"Depends on who wants to know." I looked around to see was anyone watching.

"I'm Nia." The friendly heifer stood up with a big smile and extended hand. I looked at that hand and back at her.

"You must be one of Carly's women." I laughed.

"I'm trying to be." She said quickly. It really caught me off guard and I didn't know how to react. I guess I looked surprised because she laughed.

"Yea I'm trying to win her heart. Kind of like how someone won yours." She pointed to my ring. Boy Carly got a crazy one this time.

"Good luck with that." I said freaked out. I attempted to walk away but she kept talking.

"Do you know who she's dating?" She asked. I looked back at her and she was a cute girl. But Carly my girl and I know she ain't with this crazy bitch.

"Look Mia-"

"It's Nia." She corrected me.

"Whatever it is. I think you should lay off the stalker moves and just chill. You look like a chill girl." I told her. She looked confused. I knew it was time for me to stop talking to this crazy bitch.

"I've been chilling too long and that got her in a relationship." She said. My phone instantly started ringing. THANK GOD.

"I'll catch you later girl." I lied as I answered my phone and walked off. Carly need to call the police before she be on fatal attraction.

Felix pov

I walked along the sidewalk listening to Rihanna in my Beats wireless. Ignoring what was going on around me was a great thing to do. Especially when you got creeps like this one sitting on Carly's steps. It looked like she was waiting on me to pass by so she could say something to me. I got a trick for her ass then.

I turned right before I got the apartment and headed down another sidewalk. The yard was popping and everybody was chilling.

"Wait!" I heard someone through my head phones and it was that crazy looking girl. I started walking faster until I reached the cafeteria.

I tried rushing in but the girl jumped in front of me causing me to fall backwards on another guy.

"Sorry." I told the guy he nodded and I turned back to the girl.

"Are you fucking crazy?! Who are you?!" I snapped.

"I'm Nia and you're Felix." She smiled widely. Okay now I'm really scared. I walked past her and into the cafeteria. I walked straight to the pizza bar and she followed behind me like a puppy.

"Leave me alone." I told her.

"I'm Carly's future wife." She said. I stared at her and started laughing. Carly sure knows how to pick her bitches.

"Well that's nice." I said as I grabbed my pizza and walked away.

"Carly is outstanding. She's perfect." She said as she kept walking behind me to my table. Im annoyed with her now.

"Look! Go find Carly and love on her." I told her. All she did was smile.

"That's a good idea." She walked away smiling. I probably shouldn't have told her that. I really feel sorry for Carly now.

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