Dirty Minds

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The Host Club with the addition of (Y/N) decided to go to a summer home owned by the Ootori family. Honey and (Y/N) decided to share a room and are alone. What is going to happen between the two?


3rd Person's POV:

It was a beautiful summer morning. The trees danced to the rhythm of the wind. The twins played volleyball with some customers, and Tamaki strolled on the shoreline admiring the sunset with a girl clutching unto him like a leech. Haruhi was sitting on a towel, giving two girls tips on how to cook the best yakisoba. Kyoya, (Y/N), and Honey, Renge (sp?), and Mori, however, were nowhere to be seen.


Pants and grunts emitted from behind the closed door of Honey and (Y/N)'s room. "OH RIGHT THERE, HONEY! RIGHT THERE! YOU'RE GETTING SO CLOSE!", (Y/N) screamed. A grunt came from Honey as a reply.

"Is that blood?! Oh my god! You're bleeding!", Honey gasped. "Oww! It hurts!",(Y/N) cried. "I'm sorry! I'll try to take it out now!", Honey replied frantically. After awhile, Honey tried to pull it out, but he, unfortunately, struggled. "Oh no! What are we gonna do? We can't get it out!", (Y/N) panicked. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)-chan! It's stuck!", Honey replied regretfully. Light sobs left their mouth as Honey tried to figure out what to do. Honey brought himself onto the (H/C)-nette and licked the blood off of them. A whimper responded, and he continued what he was doing previously. After a few more minutes of absolute silence, a gasp filled the room, and a triumphant laugh followed.

"Yay! You got it!", (Y/N) cheered. They gave Honey a peck on the cheek, and went into their shared bathroom to clean herself. A light blush spread across Honey's cheeks as a sheepish grin plastered itself onto his baby face. 'Score for Honey! I can't wait to tell Usa-chan and Takashi (Mori)!', Honey thought happily.


Little did they know, Mori, Kyoya and Renge were standing right outside their door. Renge silently squealed and whispered, "I ship it!" Kyoya's glasses shined, and he immediately started writing in his Death No-I mean black notebook. Mori stood next to them, trying to comprehend what had just happened in the shared bedroom. 'What the hell?', Mori thought, horror-strickened.

But little did they know, Honey and (Y/N) were trying to kill a spider, and it bit (Y/N)'s finger, causing them to bleed. They managed to squash the spider with a slipper, but the spider's dead little body was stuck in the corner of the room. They didn't want to touch it, so they struggled with getting rid of the "evidence".


Hey guys! So I have rewritten the ENTIRE plot. The first version was cringy af, so I had to change it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys next time!

Dirty Minds | (A Honey x Reader One-Shot) ✔Where stories live. Discover now