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we live in a world where people are too afraid

to feel something genuine,

or at least are too afraid to show it.

we live in a world where you're pissed at somebody

and instead of calling someone to talk about it,

we send passive aggressive text messages,

or we post a suspiciously relevant subtweet,

trying to call you out in less than 140 characters.

when we like somebody,

we act interested just enough for them to realize,

but not enough to freak them out.

i can't tell you that i love you before the

six months period, even if i really do.

i don't want to seem too emotionally attached

and clingy, and nobody wants to seem

like they care too much.

i can't ask to hang out two nights in a row.

i can't text you first if i texted you first the last time.

i can't assume if we're a thing or not.

i can't ask if we know where this relationship is going.

i can't assume you liked me just because you kiss me.

i can't even talk about it.

it's like this tiring game of seeing who can look like

they care the less,

and i'm so tired of pretending that i don't

when you mean the most,

but i play because i don't want to

lose and losing means feelings,

and that you know how i feel.

and losing means

being alone and drowning in my own insecurity,

wondering what did i do so wrong to

make you run away.


this poem echoes everything i fear.

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