"You never talk about your mother" Liam said and followed me.

"That's because she's a bitch. She wants me to come to her wedding next weekend" I said.  

"Oh. You should go". Liam looked at some of the books that was lined up. 

"No. Not alone. No way" I found the key so I could close the store.

"I will go with you if you want" Liam said while reading in one of the books. "And by the way I will take this book. I'm actually a big reader" he put some dollars on the desk.

"Fine. And Liam I know you are, you have 100% score on every test"

"Do you wan't to joine me to the gym" He stared at me.

"Me, at a gym?" I hate working out but  I know it's good for me.

"Yes you, at a gym" he forced me.

We drove over to campus so we could use the gym there.

"Put on these" Liam said. He threw some gloves at me.

"There's no way I'm going to box". I hate it, it reminds me off Niall.

"Oh come on. Caroline you have more anger inside your body than a fucking pitbull" he stood on his toes, ready to fight. 

"Fuck you" I said and stood up infront of him.

He learned me a couple of moves, and we had a fake-fight. I had bruses all over my body but it somehow felt good.

"I know you can punch harder. I've seen you punch Niall" Liam laughed.

He did it on purpose. Mentioning Nialls name. I could feel the anger run through my blood system. I punched him a few times, harder for each time. Thoughts from the last months hit me. At a point I thought my body would break and I would fell down on the floor. I felt obnoxious and I suffocate. I punched Liam harder, and he also punched me harder. I wanted to break his face. Not because I felt anger over him, but over me. I was so angry all the goddamned time. Liam punched me hard, and I fell over. 

"Done for today" he said.

I bald my head, and hands on the floor, breathing heavily, while I was covered in my own sweat.

Nialls POV;

So the last weeks have been fucked up. The only thing I've done is being at the gym, boxing with Zayn and eating pizza. And vodca, of course.

Fuck I miss her to much.

I turned the TV on and laid my body down on the cough. My phone started vibrating.

"Hello honey". It was my mother.

"Hello mum. I really miss you". She lives in Ireland, so I haven't seen her in weeks.

"How are you? It's been a long time now since we've last saw you". I could hear her smile through the phone.

"Fucked up. And yeah it's been to long. How's Theo?". Theo is my brothers child.

"It's summer in a week. You should come home for a while, we all miss you so so much, and Theo is great. He is getting bigger". 

I have a really good realtionship with my family. I always turn in to a sweet, nice guy when I'm with them or is talking with them.

"Of course I'll come home. I don't know when, because I don't have any money now" I've used them all on vodca, and phones.

"Oh darling I'll pay your flight". 

We talked for a bit longer. I didn't tell her about me and Caroline breaking up, or fighting. But I guess she understood it anyways. It will be good leaving this place for a while. 

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