*imagine: clarke griffin*

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imagine Clarke trying to save you after an attack by the Grounders

Y/N: your name


"Y/N! Stay with me. Keep your eyes open, Y/N. Keep them open." You heard Clarke plead as you struggled to breathe.

Your lungs felt as if they might give up and collapse any second. Your chest felt as if it were on fire and your arms and hands were numb.

The last thing you remember before being carried into the dropship and hearing worry plague Clarke's beautiful voice was a group of Grounders ambushing you. You had set out with a small group of delinquents to find food and water for the rest of the prisoners when you had unknowingly crossed over into Trikru territory.

Almost immediately, you and the rest of the group were attacked. As you were trying to save one of the delinquents from an incoming spear, you were shot through the chest with an arrow. Luckily, one of the delinquents managed to get away and alarmed Bellamy and Clarke who immediately set out to find you and the others. When they arrived at the scene, most of the prisoners were dead, and outof those alive, you were in the worst shape.

The image of Clarke's face began to slowly fade to black as you heard her frantically shouting orders to Octavia and Bellamy who decided to help Clarke with your wound.

"You're going to be okay, Y/N." was the last thing you heard Clarke say before falling into eternal darkness.


You awoke to a terrible headache and a burning sensation in the center of your chest.

"Was I dreaming or did I get shot in the chest with anarrow?" You asked as you looked around and found Clarke sitting next to your bed in the dropship.

"You're awake!" She exclaimed as she got up and handed you a cup of water and wiped the sweat off of your forehead. "And no, you weren't dreaming. But, it's ok. You're okay."

You drank the water quickly, wiping your mouth clean with the sleeve of your jacket afterwards. "Thank you, Clarke. Thank you for saving my life."

You started to get up but Clarke pushed you back onto your bed. "No, no. You need to rest."

"No, Clarke. I need to do something." You argued as you pushed her hands away and stood up.

You faced Clarke and stared into her bright blue eyes. You stepped closer, slowly lessening the distance between both of your bodies. You cupped her face with both of your hands and tucked a piece of her light blonde hair behind her ear. You turned your attention to her lips and slowly leaned in.

Sparks flew as your lips crashed onto hers. As the kiss continued, your hands became tangled into her hair as hers became tangled in your shirt.

Searching for breath, you pulled away, panting. Clarke's eyes fluttered open and you stared into the galaxies within them.

"Thank you, Clarke."

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