“I understand that.” Liam sounded calm and patient. “But it’s an urgent matter. Could you please tell me what room he is in?” The receptionist only smiled and shook her head. “Look here.” Liam sounded agitated. “If you don’t tell me what I need to know, you’ll regret it.”

            “Even if you threaten me, I still can’t give you that information, sir.” The receptionist was still smiling at Liam.

            “Look here. I’m a person who could make anything happen. You are in my way, it’s either you give me what I want, or I’ll get rid of you.” Liam looked at the receptionist seriously. “ANSWER!!!” Liam shouted.

            “Sir, if you continue to be like that, I’ll call security.”

            Liam closed his eyes, he felt pressured. Theola was in trouble, and he is the one that should help her if he wants to change his vision. “I’m asking one last time. What room is Wilson McCarthy in?” The receptionist only smiled at Liam. “If anything happens to my friend, to the woman he is with, I won’t forgive you and this whole resort, I’ll… destroy this whole place.” Liam sounded very angry.

            “Look here!” Freya said to the receptionist. “Are you sure about getting a Hendrix angry?” Freya threatened. The receptionist looked ta Liam shocked and gave him the key to the room almost instantly with a very frightened and apologetic expression. Never did Liam imagine how influential his family really was.

            “Stay here.” Liam told Freya. “Wait for warren and Ethan before following me.” Freya agreed with him.

            Liam ran. His heart was pounding. More than wanting to save Theola from Wilson, he also wanted to change the vision where his two beloved cousins exchanged punches. He never wants the two of them to fight at all. His hand was trembling as his hand reaches for the door. He could hear Theola’s muffled voice. He hurried and opened the door.

            “What the hell are you doing?! Wilson, you’re drunk!!!” Theola shouted as Wilson was trying to push her down the bed. Theola was trying to fight, but Wilson was too strong.

            Liam was enraged. More than his quest, Theola is a very important part of his life, and he wouldn’t want anything to bad to happen to her. He rushed towards Wilson and held Wilson’s shoulder tight. Then he pulled Wilson away from Theola. Liam noticed Theola holding her phone, probably trying to call Warren.  Theola was also surprised to see him there.

            Wilson reeked of alcohol. As soon as Wilson saw Liam, Wilson punched Liam. It hurt. Liam could feel the pain on his cheek and lips. He tasted his own blood on his lips. He wiped his lips with his finger and saw blood, and that was when Liam lost himself and his senses.

            The memory of the events five years ago at the old house, the memory of Wilson’s betrayal kept on replaying in his mind. His hands started trembling and his heart started beating slowly but strongly. There was no sign of life in his eyes. It was like he lost his consciousness. But then he started moving, his body started moving on its own.

            He choked Wilson with one hand, Wilson tried to get away and tried to pull his hand off, but Liam was too strong. Liam punched Wilson, and Wilson’s head was pushed back by the force of Liam’s fist. Wilson’s lips were bleeding, but Liam did not stop. He kept on punching Wilson until Wilson’s face was all bruised. Wilson fell on the floor and Liam was about to punch him again.

            It was then that Theola stepped in. “Liam, stop!” She pulled Liam away from the unconscious Wilson. She sounded really worried. Liam pushed Theola away, and Theola’s back hit the wall, but Theola pulled him once again. Liam was out of control.

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