Chapter 13: Two Problems Added

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Author's Point of View

After crying, you exited the cemetery and saw Amelia standing outside her car with an umbrella in hand. You gloomily walk towards her, still trying not to cry though, so you didn't utter even a single word.

When you reached her, she placed your hand in your back and gently led you to her car. Once in, you stared at the raindrops hitting the car window. Amelia had obliged you to change clothes after your little trip.

"If you want, you can sleep on your house. I could always go out and check on you.. " Amelia stated.

"No, I'll be fine... " you replied.

"If there's anything I could do, just tell me." Amelia said, but still focusing her attention on driving.

"Your letting me live with you, and I'm grateful. I don't think I could ask for more." you told her.

"No, I understand your situation perfectly. When I was the same age as you, I lost my parents too and I had to work on a cafe for living. I endured it all, and I turned out to be successful. The people who endures, sometimes turns out to be wise and successful."

You hoped that you'll be successful like her, I mean it's possible isn't it? You've got good grades, great skills, and anti-social attitude. You'll have to change that. But by the looks of your current situation, it seems like your lonely life would get more lonelier.

[Timeskip - You fell asleep on the car.]

"Y/N? Y/N! Come on! Wake up, we're here!" Amelia gently shook your shoulders.

"We're here." you groggily got out of the car, at the same time picking up your things.

Just like the first time, you were amazed by Amelia's house. Just as you entered, you were tackled to the floor by two entities. [A/N: Such a word... ⊙_⊙]qq

"Mom! Who's this suspicious person!?" Shouted one of who tackled you.

"Should we take her out?" Said the other.

You struggled to get out of their grip. But you were outnumbered, you were to busy struggling that you didn't care to take a look at their faces.

"Boys! Behave yourselves! Is that any way how to treat your guest?" you heard Amelia raise her voice, it was also the cue for you to stop moving.

You felt their grip loosen, they both stood up while you dusted yourself. One of them helped you up, another spoke.

"Sorry for our rudeness, but who are you?" the one with a black hair spoke.

"Ice, Blaise. This is Y/N, the one who's gonna stay with us. Y/N, these are my sons. Ice and Blaise." Amelia stated.

[A/N: Prepare yourselves Reader-chans (○゚ε゚○)The brown haired one is Blaise and Blackie here is Brice or Ice

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[A/N: Prepare yourselves Reader-chans (○゚ε゚○)
The brown haired one is Blaise and Blackie here is Brice or Ice.]

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