Chapter 11: The Girl

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I can't believe it.

No way...

How could someone do that?

"NATHAN NO!" I shouted.

"Shh quiet." He whispered; placing the girl in his shirt pocket with me.

She had fallen unconscious- probably due to the shock, and I don't blame that poor girl. I couldn't believe how deceiving Nathan had been. It's bad enough SHRINKING anyone in general, but acting so friendly and helpless and THEN doing something so unexpected was just awful.

I leant towards the girl's resting figure and automatically felt sorry for her. Boy was she going to be stressed out when she woke up. I shivered at the memory of my first encounter with a giant. The worst part is.. She was one too not just a second ago.

I grabbed her hand and held it in mine, hoping that when she woke up, my presence wouldn't freak her out so much. The surface beneath us started shaking madly like a load of people on a trampoline at once, so I assumed Nathan was walking. Well.. Running.

He finally reached his car and slammed his door shut; opening his pocket slightly to glance at us quickly. With a little wink, he focused on the road and started driving back to his house.


It had been 10 minutes, and we were almost there. I was almost getting bored until I heard a soft groan next to me.

Oh god. She's waking up.

The girl sleepily opened her eyes. Suddenly her eyes widened, and she looked around in panic. She looked at me.

"Where am I?! Where are we??!!" She asked- her chest rising up and down rapidly.

"Well.. Um.. I.." I didn't know what to say. What was I supposed to say? Hey girl, you got shrunk by some hot guy, and he stuffed you in his pocket with moi, and now we will be best friends. I don't think so...

"What?" Her eyes scanned my face with worry, and I raised my eyebrows.

"Ok, this is a long story. I'm going to need you to keep ca-"


"What?!" I asked quickly.

"We've been kidnapped. The material around us is a bag. I knew that guy was trouble. But it's ok- we are going to get out of here. Let's look for a hole or something. What's all that movement? We are in a bag in a car, aren't we? That guy is going to GET IT."

I looked at the girl's face. She had suddenly turned red with anger, and I didn't want to make it worse by saying she was also the size of a finger...

Before I could say a word, she whipped out her phone and started dialling a number. Her phone then abruptly died, and the screen went black.

"Damn. No worries! I have my portable charger!" She smiled.

Wait... Her phone shrank WITH HER? She is SO LUCKY. I now wished I had brought my phone with me. I didn't even know where it was. I had probably lost it anyway.

"Aha, that's... Lucky then..." I smiled awkwardly.

"What's wrong? We will escape, I.. I promise."

Argh Nathan, why did you have to do this. This girl is so nice!

"It's not that. It's ju-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence before SOMEONE rudely interrupted at the WRONG TIME.

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