Chapter 3

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"OK__, so all this was a dead end " peter shouts at the poor skimpy, hobo man-person

" Hey, don't get mad kid, I never said it was a dead end just I can't remember what happened," the man says scratching his head.

Peter who was stressing his self out I feared was going to pull his pretty golden curly hair out.

" Your name, I remember it," the man said proudly. "what's your name?" the man asked raising his eyebrow.

"He just said he remembered your name, and now he's asking what your name don't you think that's a bit weird or is it only me who sees weird" I said trying to get peter to understand that this man is dodgy and he's probably going to kidnap us and steal our organs, and I don't have time for that. "Peter Pan " Peter answered, 'oh for crying out loud ' I mentally groan

The man smiled at me a toothless gummy smile. I smiled back at him, Am officially thankful to my parents for keeping me on top of my dental hygiene.

" Hi am john and I was hired by 'someone' to meet you I don't know anything else but what am going to tell you, and a note" the man explains. "finally were getting somewhere" Peter whispered under his breath tired of his questions being answered by question

"If you can get this right your the right pan" the man answered making no sense yet so much sense.

" The second star to the right shines in the night for you _ _ _ _ _," The man said.

" To tell you that the dreams you have can really come true" peter finished up.

" What does that mean I've always known it like it was left with me where did it come from" Peter shouted, he wanted answers and the man couldn't give them to us"

The man smiled "that is for you peter," and the man gave him a note.




"WOW! it looks a lot bigger up in person" I whispered, "why do tall buildings always look like they're going to fall on you?" I question as I back away from the tower. " its not going to fall on you wendy" peter said laughing at me like am some scared little kid as he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to the tower, so I did the thing that most responsible thirteen year old would do I stuck my tongue out at him" am not a baby you dumb butt" I said if marshmallows could talk that's what I sounded like, I crossed my arms and held my head up in pride. no way in hell is he going to get me any farther down.

"watch I am very capable of walking up to a very tall building that looks like its going to squash me, am no baby I don't need your help to stop my knees from its uncontrollably wobbling" I huff this time getting my voice back.

bye, bye adorable marshmallow.

" OK, sure wendy," Peter says taunting me.

" I dare myself to do it because am courageous and awesome," I bellowed as I charged towards the tower after I ran about six (English) yards I fell to my knees crawling.

"Wendy I am inspired by your awesome courageousness to crawl up to a tower, but if you're scared you can just hold my hand," he said making fun of me as I crawl towards the Big Ben.

" I don't find it funny Peter" I grumbled.

" Are you crying?" peter asked me. "no am crying am bleeding water from my eyes," I said as I sat on the ground curled up into a ball. I heard someone's coming up behind me well not someone's it was pretty clear it was peter since the whole place was deserted.

peter pan and the found boys #justwriteit #altending #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now