Chapter 02 - A solution will appear.

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POV Isabella


August 1977

I'm taking a shower, under the shower, with the warm water and close my eyes and relax all over my body. I sigh. I need to have faith and strength. After a while I turn off the shower and pick up the towel, drying my black hair and my body. I look in the bathroom's grand mirror. My name is Isabella and I'm twenty-four and so many things have happened to me in the last six years. I change my clothes and put on a short shorts and a Queen T-shirt and I'm going to prepare dinner. I'm in my apartment, who lives in the Kensington neighborhood. I start to prepare the food and turn on the radio, which is in the kitchen. He was playing Blondie's Denis song. I sigh and automatically remember the pictures of Roger with Debbie Harry backstage at the Led Zeppelin show two weeks ago. The two kissed and the paparazzi wasted no time. Dominique dating Roger ended the affair with him, I think he grew tired of being so often betrayed. I'm very close friends with Freddie, Brian and John. I've been friends with Roger in the past, but a lot of things happened and I would not like to remember those moments. The only thing I can say to you is that Dominique did very well in ending the courtship with Roger. He's a womanizer son of a bitch.

I am a Brazilian, trained in English Language and British Literature, I am finishing my Master's degree at the University of London and I study twice in the morning and I am a university professor of English at the University of London myself and I am writing my first book. I'm at the end of it. I want to be a successful writer. But today, as soon as I got to the apartment, after a day's work, the hotel porter said I had some letters from Brighton. They are from my paternal grandparents.

I opened the letter and quietly read what my grandmother wrote. And I could not believe it when I finished reading the contents of the letter: my paternal grandfather is ill. You have Parkinson's disease. My paternal grandfathers are sixty-five years old. I was raised by them because my parents died in a car accident when I was ten. My grandfather has Parkinson's disease. My grandmother and I recently discovered the disease. There is no cure for Parkinson's disease, however, there is treatment to prevent the disease from developing badly. My grandfathers have a small pub in the city of Brighton and the money they take out is to pay the pub staff and themselves for food and clothing. I have already promised that I will help my grandparents in my grandfather's treatment of Parkinson's Disease, but I also have large expenses: I pay rent on the apartment in London, as well as water, electricity, telephone, I buy my clothes , Food, paid the insurance of my car. I did college, thanks to a scholarship and I also have a scholarship thanks to a scholarship, I have my job as a university professor and I earn even well, I have a good salary, but, I have many expenses and I do not know what to do, after all , Treatment of Parkinson's disease is very expensive, after all my grandfather will need medication, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nutrition and psychological support.

What I can do at the moment is just buy the medicines for him, but, he needs the other brackets. I have to find a way, something needs to be done. I have to help my grandfather. I am eternally grateful to my grandparents for taking care of me as a legitimate daughter.

I invited her to dinner with my best childhood friend from Brighton, Suely, tonight, but I call her Sue. Sue holds a bachelor's degree in law from the University of London and is studying Master of Labor Law. She works at a law firm in London. Sue is a labor lawyer. It's almost eight in the evening, and I'm already finishing dinner. The intercom rings and the porter says Sue is waiting for my permission to come up. I authorize and two minutes later, my friend presses the bell and I answer and greet each other cheerfully.

"I came straight from the law firm. I had a lot of things to do today, "Sue said, going into the kitchen with me.

"I imagine your running. I said to her and finished preparing dinner for a few more minutes.

Sue and I talked about our day-to-day work and running. My friend and I see each other pretty much on weekends. But today, on Wednesday, I needed to talk to her and vent. We dined happily and after dinner I washed the dishes and went to the living room. Sue and I sat on the couch when my friend said:

"Bella, my friend, I know something is hurting you, I know you perfectly, and for you to have called me to dinner with you in the middle of the week, in the rush we live in, it's because something serious is really happening. Trust me and open your heart.

I looked at my friend. As Sue knows me very well. She always called me Bella since I was a child. I sighed and told everything to my friend what was happening and told her that I want to help my grandfather in treating Parkinson's Disease one way or another, even if it's the last thing I do in my life. I start to cry and she hugs me.

"Bella, my angel, it's no use crying. You are beautiful, young and a very strong, intelligent woman. I'm sure a solution will come, sooner or later, do not despair, have faith. "I can help you, pay for physical therapist appointments for your paternal grandfather. As for the other things, he wants a suggestion: you should talk to Freddie, Brian, and John and tell them what's going on with your grandfather that he needs this treatment. The boys are our friends and I'm sure they would gladly help you with the greatest goodwill.

"As much as they are our friends, I do not want to borrow money from Freddie, Bri or John, because if I ask, it will be a sum I can never pay back. Our friends today are millionaires, they have achieved what they long for, they are successful, rich musicians. We also get our dreams, we have a good salary, car, we have our lives stabilized, but, we are not rich. I can never repay them, so I will not tell them what's happening, Sue, "she said firmly. "And I do not want to sound opportunistic to them."

"Bella, the boys will never think of you." I respect your decision not to want to talk to them about it, but sooner or later they'll find out and be very upset about you for omitting such a serious fact, "Sue said." I think you should tell them at least , About your grandfather's illness and see if the help would come from one of the three without you asking.

"I have to think of something to pay for everything my grandfather needs from now on," I said, taking a glass of water. "I will not lose faith, I know a solution will come.

"Imagine if Roger Taylor, Queen's handsome drummer helped you, that help would leave him?" Sue smiled.

"That will never happen, coming from Roger, NEVER," she said irritably. "Roger is egocentric, son of a bitch, I would never help my grandfather. He's a sucker, asshole, ridiculous.

"You were so close friends, and you two are strangers today," Sue said, looking at me.

"I do not want to remember what happened in the past, my friend, but today, really, Roger and I are strangers and would never accept his help or ask for help from him. As I said, I'll find a way to help my grandfather, Sue.

Q: What Bella does not realize is that once again destiny will unite her to Roger.

To be continued...

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