{|First Kiss|}

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Dinner soon finishes and I help clear away the table. Im standing in the kitchen with Mrs Ro'Meave. I look to her.

"Ma'am, I want to apologise for my behaviour tonight. A personal subject came up outside and Zane tryed to get under my skin about it. Im really sorry." I said.

"Its okay hunnie. If it was something personal then no problem. Zanes not very good at social skills." She says.

"I can see. But I hope that I didn't ruin tonight." I apologise.

"No it was alright. Just a little weird and different. Don't be so hard on yourself darling. These things happen. Now go upstairs and play ill finish up." She said.

I smile and thank her. I make my way back uptairs. I knock on the door. Garroth responds. I enter. He's sitting on the bed on his phone.

"Thanks for helping my mom Laura." He thanks me.

"Its ok. I didn't mind." I said.

"Its late we should go sleep." He said.

I nod. I get my pj's, toothbrush and paste. I head to the bathroom. I enter inside. Zane was brushing his teeth. He was without his mask.

He had freckles spread across his face. He saw me and turned away.

"Get out, what do you want" he said angrily.

"To brush my teeth smarta**." I said.

I stand next to him and put paste on my brush.

"Get out!!" He yells.

"I need to brush my teeth!!" I say.

"Out now!!" He yells again.

"No. Tough luck ZuZu. Im staying unless you go. Try me." I say.

He sighs. He carries on brushing. Some time later, I get dressed in my pj's and go to sleep.


In Garroths room.

I tuck myself in the bed. I feel bad that Garroth sleeps on the floor. I say goodnight and start to doze off.

Later that night, I wake up. I check my phone. 3:36am. I try to fall back to sleep. I couldn't so I get up. I make my way to the bathroom. I go to the toilet.

I walk back out and hear noises from Vlads room. I open the door slowly. I see Vlad laying on the bed on bis phone. He looks to me.

 He looks to me

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"O-oh..hey Vlad." I whisper.

I walk in and close the door quietly.

"Hey. Why are you awake?" He asks.

"Same to you. Couldn't sleep." I say.

"Same here." He says.

He makes room for me to sit down next to him. I sit next to him and he sits up.

"Vlad, do you think I made a scene at the dinner table?" I ask.

"Mmm...kinda. im sorry but its true. What was the problem anyway?" He asks.

"....something personal..came up." I said.

"Well..you can tell me now." He said.

I look to him. He smiles sweetly. I start to explain the whole situation from the attack, my sister and the incident at the table.

"..oh. I see. Must be hard on you. But you still have your brother? Right?" He said.

I nod yes. We both look away. Silence falls between us.

"Hey Laura?" He said.

"Yeah Vlad?" I say.

"Your pretty cool. Ya know? You where able to escape an attack. You kept my brother safe. Your really skilled. Think you could teach me some self defence some time?" He says.

I blush slightly. "..u-uh..y-yeah okay sure. Hehe!!" I giggle happily.

He smiles to me and I smile back. Silence falls again. We sit there awkwardly.

"...Laura.." he calls my name.

"..mm? Yes Vlad?" I respond.

He looks at me. We keep a strong gaze at one another. He inches closer with his head. I freeze in confusion. He gets really close. He places his fingers underneath my chin.

He puts the other hand by my side. He looks at me with his dreamy, emerald eyes. His hot breath hits my lips. I roll them.

He creeps his lips slowly till they touch mine. It only lasts for literally one second since Zane stood by the door watching.

"...buuuusssttteeeeddd!!~" Zane said.

Vlad pulls away from the kiss and we both flinch towards Zane. We stutter and blush.

"..u-u-uh..Z-Zane..w-what are you doing here!?!" I say.

"I woke up and couldn't sleep. I came to check on Garroth, you weren't there..hehehahahah.." Zane cackles.

I look to Vlad and then get up. I turn bright red. I push past Zane and rush into my room. I get in bed and tuck myself in.

I check on Garroth, he was still asleep. I force myself to fall asleep and soon enough I do.


The pic in the text above is Vlad!!~♥♥♥

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