Not so pure anymore

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Dedicated to @JustBeautifulgirl for being a great friend and Fan. Also because it is her birthday tomorrow!! She's getting old *sigh* lml (dont tell her I said that *wink*)

Not Edited!

Chapter Six: Not so pure anymore

Avril's (Point Of View)

As i lay on my bed just staring at my ceiling I'm numb. Its like I cant feel anything. The house is so quiet I can hear the blood rushing through my veins. Its not everyday that I get the house to myself where I can just lay here. Soon I hear the sound of keys and the front door downstairs opening. I jump up ignoring the fact that I can't feel my legs, or that my mind feels so clouded and...its hard to explain. I throw on the nearest pair of sneakers I could find. I grab my light brown leather jacket and rush to my bathroom. I could hear Gerald rushing up the stairs, as i hid inside of my bathtub.

My room door opened and I jumped slightly causing a bottle of shampoo to fall onto my head. I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming in pain. After about two minutes I heard my room door closing and footsteps descending down the stairs. I sat up from my laying down position and put my shampoo bottle back onto the window sill. I stepped out of the bath tub and looked into the mirror. My forehead was red I knew it was going to cause but I honestly did not give a fuck. Looks isn't a priority for me anymore.

I slowly and quietly crept out into my room. I grabbed my phone and headphones and tried to sneak out of the house. Note, I said tried. "Hey, Slut can you come here?" I heard Gerald call out from his room downstairs. I sighed and walked down the stairs, and through the dining room and into his room.

"Yes" I asked as he patted the bed beside him. "Take off your jacket" he said as he started to take off his shirt. This can't be happening, I thought as I took off my jacket. "Come sit next to daddy" Gerald said with a sly grin. I slowly and weakly walked to his queen sized bed decorated in Black and white sheets. His grey comforter was pulled back to the bottom of the bed.

As I sat down on the edge of his bed, Gerald began to kiss my neck roughly. I would pray for someone to save me, but its not like anyone is listening. No one was listening when my mother died and Gerald started to become abusive. Or when I started getting bullied in school.

I felt Gerald's hand fiddling with the buttons of my jeans. I looked up at Gerald silently pleading for him to stop. But he wasn't watching me , instead he was watching his hands as they pulled my pants down. I tried to cover myself but Gerald gripped my hands and put them at my sides. I felt the tears sliding down my face as his hands roamed my upper thigh.


Virgin: A person who has not had sexual intercourse.

That used to be me, but not anymore. This shower is not helping at all why isn't this helping? "Why isn't this helping!?" I screamed out in frustration gripping onto my head. My lower area was in so much pain and my body was bruised all over. What did my mother see in this Gerald?

Did he use to abuse and rape my mother? The tears start to fall even faster completely blinding me as if felt a huge lump was in my throat. Painfully banging my head against the wall. Endorphins is what I need right. But I can't bring myself to get out of this shower. So I do the only thing I can. I scream, J scream till nothing comes out but raspy breath. Thank God Gerald's not home, I think before I drift off to sleep with warm water running down my bod.

Skylar's (Point Of View)

"Who the hell keeps screaming?!" I yelled from at the top of the stairs. "Language!" My mother calls back at me. I roll my eyes once I hear the screaming again. "Is someone being murdered?" I asked as I walked into the living room to see my parents packing up there karaoke machine.

"Its the neighbors sweetheart" my dad stated tucking the karaoke machine away under the tv stand. "Which one?" I asked, wondering if Avril had finally decided to end her sad and pathetic life and someone found her. A little part of me was sad that I didn't get to kick her ass a good last time.

"The Fords. " My mother stated sadly stepping past me and into the kitchen. My mother has her suspicions that Avril is being abused at home. I can tell that she's worried everytime she hears a large crash coming from there house. But she does nothing to help, so she must not be that worried.

"I can go and ask the neighbors if anything is okay, I mean she is my friend" I said trying to smile but it probably passed off as a grimace . "Yes, that is so sweet of you. Avril is a lucky girl to have a friend like you" My dad said patting me on the shoulders as he followed my mother into the kitchen .

My parents are the type of parents who are only involved in the children's life for elementary school. Well mines really stopped paying attention to me at third grade. Parker needed a little more attention due to him a and his delinquent ways. Me and Avril used to be fried s until she did what she did in fifth grade. Sad part is my parents still think that me and Avril are still friends. Which gives me more advantages on making her life a living hell.

I grab my phone and head out the door sending my dad a small smile.


Ben's (Point Of View)

I just couldn't get her out of my mind. Jet black hair and those green eyes. I mean she is a really cool girl. But she's the laughing stock of the town, and I don't need her in my way right now. Its so complicated, I wanna hang out with her but Parker threatened that he would tell her my secret, if I stayed with her. How the hell does he know my secret? I mean I haven't told no one and if I find out that Gerald ratted me out. I clench my fist angrily, grabbing a plate and putting to pieces of bread on it. I slumped to the basement and placed the plate next to her.

"Please just let me go, I won't tell anyone. I promise" She whimpered struggling to get out of the ropes and chains. I ignored her as she continued to talk.

"Come its simple really, I mean I could go home and say that I ran off with some guy" I glanced at her raising my right eyebrow. "Then when they ask why I have bruises I could say that he was abusing me" She said lowering her head as she said the last part. "Shut the hell up" I said pulling on my hair.

"Eat your food" I state as I walk up the stairs and back into the house, locking the basement door and slipping the key under a plant near the door.

I take out my phone from my pocket and dial Avril number. I have to cancel our little date because I dont need that bitch downstairs getting out.


This is probably the last time I will ever be writing from Ben's point of view. I dont think I will be doing Skylars again either but I don't know :/ I'm finally back, so updates will be faster now. I got a phone for Christmas (hallelujah) So Thank you for reading and please Comment,Vote, and fan. I really love it when you guys comment :)

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