The Evil Twin

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Heyyyyyy. Well in the beginning of this story there will be some Spanish. I will translate it though but I thought I would give you guys (and ladies) a little heads up.  (NOT EDITED)

Chapter Four: The Evil Twin


"Goodmoring clase, date prisa y tomar asiento (Goodmoring class, hurry up and take a seat)" Mrs. Gwenna said as we all walked into class. "Is that even Spanish?" I muttered to myself as I headed towards the back of the class. "He oído que jovencita! (I heard that young lady)" Mrs.Gwenna shouted as I sat in my seat by the window. "I still don't understand your Spanish!" I shouted back as I put my head down. My face was still bright from me just being asked on a date by Ben. 

Its not a date. Your just a waist of space. My conscious told me and I shrugged it off. I was probably right anyway.Its probably not even a date. He's probably just bored. But how would he know if he would be bored Friday if today is Tuesday? I don't know, life is just-

"Preste atención Avril! ¿Has oído una palabra que el Sr. Robinson acaba de decir (Pay attention Avril! Have you heard a word that Mr. Robinson just said)?" Mrs.Gwenna shouted hitting my desk with a ruler. Now that I understood. I guess my stupid brain has exited the building, since im not as excited about going to the movies with Ben on Friday. 

"Lo siento Mrs.Gwenna. Yo sólo ... um distraído. No sucederá de nuevo (Sorry Mrs.Gwenna. I just ... um distracted. Will not happen again)" I mumbled looking up at Parker who was standing in the front of the class smirking. Oh how much I wanted to punch that stupid, arrogant,annoying smirk off of his face. "Can I start again?" Parker asked and Mrs.Gwenna nodded. On the board was the words 'A time I was a hero'. I sighed, I had completely forgotten about that stupid assignment. Hopefully we run out of time and I can do my speech next week. 

"Yo estaba conduciendo cuando vi a esta chica de mirada loco sentado en un callejón gimiendo y gruñendo agarrando su estómago. Así como el héroe soy yo fui a ayudarla. Ella estaba llorando y tenía moretones en todo el rostro. La recogí y la llevé al hospital. El fin (I was driving when I saw this crazy looking girl sitting in an alley moaning and clutching her stomach growling. Just as the hero am I went to help her. She was crying and had bruises all over her face. I picked her up and took her to hospital)" Parker stated and I stared at him my eyes probably the size of two moons. That story sounded just a little familiar. 

"Oh your such a hero" pretty much all of the girls said as Parker smirked walking back to his seat. He was watching me the entire time while I was full-on glaring at him. I then shrugged causing Parker to stare at me shocked as I turned around facing back to the front of the room. I honestly don't care he didn't say any names so I'm all good.


I made it to the end of Spanish class without having to speak in front of the class. "Yay!!" I squealed lowly as I made my way towards my locker. "What an interesting story I told wasn't it?" A little annoying jerk-face asked walking beside me. I looked to my right to see Parker casually walking next to me. I was scared that he would push me into the lockers or somethings, so I got as close as I could to the lockers so the push wouldn't hurt as much. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt and black baggy jeans, oh and don't forget the typically 'bad boy'  black Leather jacket. I guess guys think that the black leather jacket gives off a bad boy vibe.And to be honest it really just scared the crap out of me. I don't know why, so please don't ask.

"Everyone one  seemed to enjoy it" I said sarcastically. I instantly regretted  it as I got to my locker. Ben was standing there holding his algebra textbook doing something on his phone. " Ben" I said slightly bumping my shoulder into his. Ben was standing to my left and Parker was standing to my right. Ben looked up from his smile and looked at me mischievously then back at his phone. 

"Don't think just because of what happened yesterday get to your head. Know your place. Got that loser loser?" Parker said to me glaring.I sighed and nodded my head slowly. "I-I- I'm sorry " I stuttered grabbing my algebra textbook and closing my locker. "I'm going to go Ben" I said keeping my head down. Ben sighed and began to silently walk next to me. We walked towards class in silence leaving Parker standing there by my locker.


"She is wearing the freaking baggiest dream ever! Did she used to like be like really really fat and those are like her old jeans?" Jessica Thomas said not even trying to whisper.We were in homeroom waiting out the last 15 minutes of school when all of a sudden Jessica anQd the rest of her cheerleader posse decided to do a little bullying. Nothing out of the usual. I am more than used to this, to be honest this is the nicest thing I have heard yet.  

"Plus that shirt! I mean does she even know what like fashion is? Like because that shirt is freaking baggy and hideous. I'm just so like confused, like who would wear that outside?" Kaylin Williams stated. Kaylin was Jessica's  best friend well one of Jessica's best friend. The other one was Skyler Robinson; Parker's twin sister. Skyler doesn't have the share homeroom with me. Thank God she isn't. She is like the meanest one out of the three. One time she-




"Yay! Now we get to go home, there we wont be able to see Avril's ugly rat baboon face!" Said this other cheerleader. I didn't really know her name, well no one really knows all of the other cheerleaders. The stars are Skyler,Jessica, and Kailyn. Even though Jessica is the head cheerleader, Samantha is on top.

I stood up from my desk and walked quickly to the door, keeping my head onto the ground. I felt a leg hit my knees and then all of a sudden I was seeing the marble blue floor.  I fell to the floor with a 'thud' and laughter erupted from everywhere around me. 

"Ha Ha Ha" Said the voice of the She-Devil. She wasn't even really laughing. She was just trying her best to show off that she had tripped me. "Are you okay?" She said but all her voice showed was apathy. "I mean you took an awful fall. You were always the clumsy one" She said and I cringed thinking of all of the horrible things her and Parker used to do to me when were younger. I curled into a ball while everyone continued to laugh at me.

"P-p-please leave me alone Skyler" I whimpered as I attempted to uncurl myself. But nope, I wasn't happening. I wouldn't budge. It was like my body was protecting myself, not that I didn't want to be protected I just wanted to get the heck off the floor. All of a sudden I felt a sharp and hard shoe kick me right in the center of my back. "Get up loser, you look so pathetic" Said the voice that sent shivers down my back,-and not the good kind. "Please, Parker and Skyler just stop and leave me alone" I whispered. "Nope, not gonna happen, I haven't beat up anyone in about maybe 3 hours" Parker said loudly cracking his knuckles. 


And Scene!!!  You guys probably hate me right now for two reasons. One, this chapter sucks, and two, well you guys tell me why you hate me!! But trust me, once you get to know me and the story progresses you guys will probably LOVE me. Any who... It would mean soooo much to me if you guys could...VOTE...COMMENT...AND FAN!!

(P.S. Almost 4,000 reads?! Guys I am smiling so wide right now!! ughh I wish I could hug everyone of you guys!! Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!) 


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