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Heart beating quickly.

Legs burning like fire.

Chest tightening.

I could feel myself sweating already. I was terrified. My vision becoming blurry from the tears that I was trying to stop from overflowing. My throat felt dry and I couldn't run anymore but I can't stop.

I shouldn't have done this. I wish I listened to my parents, I wish I haven't snuck out of my bedroom to go to some stupid party. I wish I was in my bed sleeping peacefully instead of running away from my kidnapper.

But how would I think like that when my parents think I'm dead. It's been a month since I haven't seen them. I miss them so much.

My legs took me wherever they could. I turned left and I froze. I stared at the sign, eyes widened, body shaking.

Dead End. In big bold letters.

Loud footsteps were coming closer towards me. What do I do? My breathing hasn't come back to normal yet, I was gasping for air, feeling my chest rise each second.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the girl who thought could outrun me, princess, you thought wrong" my kidnapper said.

He reached for his back pocket, and started walking closer to me as I kept backing away. He had a small thin oval shaped thing in his hand and I knew what it was. A knife, you could tell by how he made it make a noise.

Once my back hit the concrete wall, I cried terribly.

"Please! Please, don't hurt me" I could hardly speak from my saliva building up from my mouth. It was disgusting.

"Shut up!" He shouted, lifting his hand up showing the knife as light reflected on it.

I screamed until he covered my mouth with his hand making me muffle. Tears still spilling, breath regaining very slowly. Terrified of dying. I felt numb, my arms were free but I couldn't move them. I screamed louder once I felt pain surge at my side. I used all my energy so I could move my arms.

I pushed him away from me causing the knife to pull out of me as I hissed. "I don't know why you're running away, you got no where to go, everyone thinks you're dead, I should've killed you the first time I saw you" he stated.

I heard a gun as he was getting it ready. I ran more quickly than before. Then I heard a gun shot, I screamed as I fell, I gasped and looked at my thigh. Blood seeping through my dress. I cried as I lightly touched it. I looked up seeing him.

"Say goodbye" he pointed the gun on my head. I don't know what took over me but my eyebrows scrunched up together and I pushed the gun away as I took it instead, catching him off guard.

"Goodbye" I shot him right on his heart, killing him instantly. He fell on top of me, I tried moving away from him but he landed on me. I pushed him away, biting my lip as his weight landed on my thigh. I gasped louder, when he was no longer on top of me.

I stared at his limp body. I got up slowly. I tried wiping my tears but it was no use. I picked up the gun and shot him again, feeling as if I haven't killed him yet. I flinched every time I heard the sound of gun shots. After the 5th shot, it was empty.

I dropped the gun walking away from him. I shouldn't have killed him. I don't know why I'm thinking like that. He's hurt me a lot.

"He should have never stabbed you in the first place" the voice in my mind spoke.

I never liked kidnappers, murderers and he was both of them, the many times I've seen him kidnap and kill plenty of girls, I was the one who had to clean up the mess. I shook my head.

"It's not your fault, you've tried to defend yourself and the many girls that couldn't" It said.

How? I did nothing, I was frozen, numb. Now what? Am I a murderer?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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