Pranking Tony (Avengers)

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"Becky, come back here right now!" She heard her Dad, Tony, yell.

"Catch me if you can, Old Man!" Becky taunted back.

"I will so get you for that!"

Tony was at the control panel locking all the doors except the ones between him and Becky.

"Not fair! J open the door please." Tony heard her beg HIS AI butler.

"I'm going to get you!" Tony taunted her, little did he know, the little brat snuck up into the air ducts. 'Damn Birdbrain' he cursed in his head. 

Becky crawled as fast as she could to Clint's secret compartment. She hid in there for what felt like hours but could only be about five minutes.

"Hey Beck, you in there?" The young girl hear her Uncle Clint call from the entrance nearest to her.

"Tweety!" He chuckled at the nickname for himself. He has told her multiple times that he hates her calling him that but no one can resist her big, blue, puppy-dog eyes.

"Hey what happened? Tony looked pretty pissed." Clint questioned her.


"Rebecca Stark, what did you do?" Now that scared her, he never called her by her full name.

"I may or may not have pranked Tony."

"Tell me everything."

~Earlier that day~

Becky was in her room bored out of her mind.

"J, whats dad up to?"

"Sir is currently out at a meeting with the board of Directors." JARVIS's smooth british voice replied. She also found out that he will not be back until late afternoon, early evening. She grabbed her favorite laptop and started doing what she did best, hacking. 'What to do first' she decided that she was going to prank her dad.

"J, would I be able to convince you to help me?"

"I am allowed to do anything you ask unless it endangers Sir's life." 'Perfect'

'Okay time to get to work'

Three hours later she finally managed to override her Dad's playlist. When her dad got home he went straight for his lab and locked the doors behind him. "Jarvis, turn up the tunes, will ya?" Classical music started to blare from his surround sound speakers

"Jarvis! What the hell was that?!"

"I believe that was Yo-Yo Ma, a famous cellist."

"Why the hell is it playing instead of my tunes?"

"That may be because someone changed your playlist."


"That would be your daughter sir."

~Back to the present~

"Beck, that was brilliant!"

She shyly looked away from her uncle. "Thanks Tweety. So you're not mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad?"

"I don't know, I just thought that since I was caught, you would be mad."

"You need some more training but I think that with time, you could be a master prankster." He winked and left to go calm down Tony.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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