The Truth

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Cloay' POV

" I need to tell you something but this is gonna be a painful story and I know everyone will hate me "

"Cloey no one will hate you rather tell the truth than someone finding it out and things will just get worse "

"Okay first of all this body lying on the ground is your Dad when your Mom left him he went crazy and as you can see is still on drugs and alcohol .He even became a murderer .He hitted on your mom whenever she was alone .He hired people to murder everyone that was part of her family everone she loved .I w-worked for him b-but ."

"YOU what ???!!! "

"I worked for him but let me explain further -"

"No we don't need an explanation .You basically helped him kill my mom even me ."

"You know what just leave this apartment before I call the police ."

"B-But "

"B-But nothing "

"Just leave "

"Before I leave just know that I was trying to explain but you wouldn't let me "

"Because there is nothing to talk about especially someone who helped my dad kill me and my mom "

"Cheers and please don't come back to me I never want to see you again "

As I walked out of the apartment I just wish I could walk so that a car can kill me .I don't wanna live anymore especially now that I have a label that says I'm a murderer and thats not .

My life is gonna be like hell and what am I gonna tell Ava and my other friends I'm gonna loose my family and friends and then what is there to live for anyway ?

I just hope that someone will listen to what I had to say but no one listens .

I think I must take suicide then everyone will have a better life without me in it .

I first want to say goodbye to my beloved ones and wish them a blessed future ...

The Perfect Mystery -Harry Styles Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt