Starting my life

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Ava's P.O.V

It was a beautiful day .I woke up to the sun shining through my windows waiting for me to wake up .I didn't have the urge to that but seeming it was a beautiful day woke me up .

I jumped out of bed running towards my closet to search for what I'm going to wear today .I decided to go with a comfortable dress suitable for the summer.

Today me and Cloey (My best friend) is having a girls day out just the 2 of us .We will definitely go shopping seeming as the valentines ball is three weeks away but neither of us had a date yet .

My previous boyfriend was not so good for me he forced me to do things I don't want to do .After 2 years I decided I don't need him anymore in my life .I have good friends and a loving family who cares for me and what I want in life .

I broke up with him .

Cloey also had a boyfriend who she loved so much but after cheating on her so many times she thought its time to move on and wait for The one to sweep her off her feet .Someone who will love her and ONLY her but that guy didn't show up yet .

Cloey decided she wants to drive for the day .She texted.

  Cloey:" Hi there Ave's I'm on my way don't let me wait for you I want to spend as much time with you as I can "
Ava:" Yeah ,Yeah I'm waiting for you already .Don't worry .

After 10 minutes I heard the doorbell knowing it will be Cloey to pick me up

"Hi Ave's are you ready to enjoy this day with your bestie ?"

"Touts Cloey can't wait ,I know this day will be an amazing day because it's spending with you "

"Aw your so sweet thank you Ave's I appreciate that "

"Just a pleasure ,what are we waiting for are we going shopping or not "

"I'm ready ,C'mon lets go and have an amazing day " Cloey said .

We walked towards her car .We both climbed in and she started the enjin .The whole ride to shopping we blasted One Direction's songs and sang our hearts out .Until we stopped and we must go away where we already had  fun( in the car) .

We climbed out and walked into the first shopping .It was nice inside big for many people to walk around .

As we searched for our dresses I saw something that caught my eye ...

Taylor and his friends was sitting at a table at one of the restaurants nearby the shopping .

"Cloey ,come here for a sec ";I told her .She walked over and asked: "What is it Ave' s ?,something wrong ? "

"Follow my eyes and then you will see if something is wrong or not " ;I told her .

She did as I told her to do .Just the look on her face told me everything going on in her head right  now .

We paid for our dresses as we walked out .As we walked I heard someone calling my name .

"Ava ,come here ; I heard Justin calling my name .

We turned around and walked over to them .

"Hi , I'd never thought I would see you guys sitting around you "

"Maybe a little greeting will make this day for us ".Zack told me .

Can I tell you guys a secret ?..

I have a crush on Zack . He is an amazing guy .We liked to talk alot with each other and sometimes flirt around .Now the questions in your mind is way don't we date already .

Well let me tell you this:
We never thought of going in a serious relationship with each other .I thought maybe he wants to flirt sometimes just when I'm not in a good mood .Well he never told me he likes me and I know he never will .

Taking me back to reality Zack asked me what I'm thinking about .I told him its nothing but he just stared as if there is something I just don't want to admit it.

"So how have you guys been ?" I asked .

"Great ,but someone here is having a better day seeming that you are here "Taylor told me .

"Who's that guy ?" .I asked

"For us to know and for you to find out ".Taylor told me again.

"Okay ,well it was nice seeing you guys ,hope we'll see you guys again sometime "I told them with a straight look at Zack .He smiled his cute dimpled smile and just looked at me with a grin on his face .

"We'll definitely see you guys somewhere this week " .Zack told me looking at me and smiled again .

"Bye ,guys ".I waved them off me and Cloey walking off with smiles on our faces .We actually blushed .

"Well ,Cloey seem to me that we have a date this week then "

"It's not actually a date we don' t even know when this week "

"We'll see about that

The Perfect Mystery -Harry Styles Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon