I let the tears fall down my face; the painful dreaded tears.bThey turned into loud sobs as my body trembled. I saw Skyla step forward and I immediately pulled back.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" A scream escaped my throat. "WHY DID YOU BRING ME BACK! I JUST WANTED TO LEAVE. I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE. IT'S TOO MUCH. ITS Too much...," I broke down into tears. I buried my face into my knees and cried. My body was aching, mostly my waist though, but I didn't care. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted peace. Was that too much to ask?

"Oh Jack," I heard Skyla so sigh. "You don't belong here. It's breaking you. You need to go home," she said softly.

"I need to die," I mumbled. Then I felt myself being thrown back against the bed rest. I opened my eyes wide in shock when I saw the person who had pinned me... The King? His eyes were clouded black and red. They burned into my now dull blue eyes. Normally I would be scared or intimidated by this but I wasn't. I was far too used to it by now.

"Don't you dare say anything like that! If you try to kill yourself then I will make sure all by our friends suffer for it!" He growled at me. I stated at my lap blankly. Why does he care...oh yeah. He doesn't care about me, he cares about Anti. He cares for his son, I'm just an attachment.

"I don't have any friends," I said monotonously. My voice was empty, hollow and emotionless.

"Oh yeah, what about that Mark guy?" The King said with a smirk. My expression remained blank. I just lay on the bed with the king pinning me down.

"He doesn't care about me. Why would he? I just mess everything up and make everyone upset," I felt like crying. I knew it was the truth. I made everyone suffer because I couldn't control my feelings. I saw the look of guilt on the Kings face. Why though? He didn't do anything wrong. It was all me. I was the one that messed everything up. But why? Why did it have to be me? Why did I have to be the one that caused all this? I just wanted to be happy. Now I don't know what I want....

The King let me go and walked over to the other demon. They started whispering things to each other but I didn't bother to listen in. I just stared blankly off into space. I wasn't thinking about anything at all. My mind was empty, my soul was empty, my heart was empty... Then I felt agonising pain in my stomach. I screamed and clutched it for dear life. Through my blurred eyesight I saw the King race over to me before everything faded into darkness. And it wasn't a calm darkness either, it was unsettling.

(So not crying right now... Nope!)

Mark's Pov
Me and Anti were in the kitchen cleaning up. I was washing the dishes and he was putting them away. Cry and Felix had gone to the highschool and Cry said he would explain everything to the new principal. It was actually quite peaceful with Anti. He didn't look look like a demon at all anymore. The only thing giving him away were his glowing eyes. Whenever he went into a dark area his eyes would glow bright neon green. I wanted to ask him about it but forced myself not to. I didn't want to ruin his happy mood.

I was in the middle of washing the last of the plates when Anti suddenly groaned and clutched his stomach, dropping the glass cup he had been drying. It shattered across the floor, pieces of the diamond like substance danced across the floor. I raced to his side and tried to ask him what was wrong but he just groaned in response. He fell to the floor, landing on pieces of broken glass receiving cuts all across his legs. His eyes were shut tight and his breathing was irregular. I quickly picked him up, he felt lighter than I expected, and ran him to my room. I lay him on the bed and he groaned again, clutching his waist. I moved his hands and saw... Blood. He was bleeding from what looked like a stab wound. But where did it come from? Then it hit me... JACK!

Then Anti's screams stopped. I looked at him to see his eyes were closed and his breathing had shortened. He had passed out. I didn't know what to do. I had already lost Jack and now I was loosing the closest thing to him. I couldn't help the tears falling down my face. This is all my fault.

Again, no clue what in doing here. If ya wanna help go ahead. Gimmie some ideas. Bit I have no clue what I'm doing so... Yeah. Shut the fuck up bitch! I love you. Byeeeeeee

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