☆Chapter 5-Lunch For Two?☆

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Our lips meet for a split second. I slowly pull away.

He stares at me, shocked.

Oh my God.

I just kissed him.

My tears are flowing just as easily as his are.

"Clint, I can't stand seeing guys cry, especially when it's about me, when I am the reason and it's all my fault. It makes me feel just as bad. I...I-I'm so sorry."

I softly caress his tear-stained cheek with my right hand.

Those beautiful blue eyes are so damn captivating.

He finally speaks.

"I-I'm fine. I-I..."

Neither one of us knows what to say to the other. It's silent for a five solid seconds until a knock sounds on the other side of the door.

I abruptly move my hand from his face to my lap. He immediately snaps up from his current position, walks over to the door, and then quickly opens it.

Aria walks in with a trolley, along with another woman accompanying her.

She has short hair the color of red velvet.

Wait a second...

Is this the woman that I remember?

It has to be.

Aria wheels the trolley over and stops it beside my bed.

"Serves up."

She smiles, lifting the platter lid to reveal two medium bowls filled with steaming potato soup. Cheese, chives, and bacon bits are all perfectly filled in little white glass bowls. Two pieces of bread rest in a basket covered with white cloth. Two large Cokes in glass bottles, plus four small containers of butter and two napkins with wrapped utensils, are all positioned around the bowls.

This looks delicious.

"Thank you, Aria." I smile.

She nods, setting the platter lid on another shelf beneath the top of the trolley.

"Clint, half of this is yours." I gesture towards the food. He smiles cutely.

My heart beats out of my chest.

The woman with red hair suddenly smiles at me.

"Hi. I'm Agent Romanoff, but please call me Natasha or Nat."

My hunch was right.

Clint walks over to me and reclaims his spot in the chair beside my bed.

"Mase, meet Nat. Nat, meet Mase." He moves his hands in a gesturing motion.

Nat laughs, walking over to me. She holds out her hand. I shake it gratefully.

"Thank you."

She nods. "I'm glad you're recovering okay. You gave us a real damn scare there. But, Clint was glad because he got to carry you."

She winks. I can tell that she is really smirking on the inside.

I don't know why, but I blush.

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