☆Chapter 3-Who Are You?☆

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I grab the tip of Ski's leash and hand it to Kyle. His green eyes are as big as marbles. Then I realize-he's scared. The jokester is scared-who would've thought?

Without thinking, I start to run towards the hellish scene happening before my eyes. People stare at me in awe as I run. I do admit, I am and have always been a fast runner. When I was in school, I and other members of my track team qualified for the state region.

I pick up my pace drastically. My legs move forward, like a quick deer who is trying to escape from a hunter, or a fierce cheetah who is chasing after its next meal.

The burning bank and in-construction hotel are getting closer within my reach.

I keep running. I am taking the sidewalk because the road is too crowded and dangerous to run across. About thirty more feet. Twenty-five. Twenty.

I am about fifteen feet away when I turn into a nearby abandoned alleyway. I concentrate and then transform into a golden eagle.

Before anyone can suspect anything, I abruptly soar over the alleyway and then above the street. I see the buildings up closer now. The bank is lower to the ground, but the flames soar higher into the air as the wind picks up and are still scorching hot. They radiate heat as I swoop down a bit more. I take closer caution and attention to the under-constriction hotel.
If the entire thing catches on fire, not only could it collapse, but it could make other smaller buildings collapse with all of the debris that would fall. Also, many people could be hurt. In fact, I notice that multiple paramedics are helping those who are injured and that made it out of the fire.

This is bad. Real bad.

I fly around to the right and see hoards of firetrucks, ambulances, and police cars all surrounding the bank. In fact, I come to realize that they are forming an entire circle. Water sprays from the firehoses that are hooked up to the trucks.

These brave firefighters are risking their lives to put out these titanic and deadly flames.
Then I begin to wonder-who or what caused all this?

I have to find out as soon as possible.

As fast as a silver bullet, I swoop down onto a small building rooftop and land safely. There is a huge concrete metal bar blocking my view, so I take the chance to change back into a human again.

Since I practice parkour in my free time, I know what to expect, so I jump off the side and grab onto a black metal fire ladder attached securely to the worn red brick. Climbing and then hopping down, I continue to run. I run until I reach the burning bank. The smoke and ash in the air stings my eyes and burns my lungs.

I have to do something to help.

Before I can even comprehend what's happening, I see a group of seven figures emerge from the smoke. Money bags are slung over all of their shoulders. One noticeable and odd feature is that they are all wearing gas masks. Evil looking, black and gray gas masks covered with dark red splotches. Blood.

My enhanced senses warn and signal me of danger. Even my conscience is screaming not to mess with these criminals; however, my heart is saying the opposite.

Kick their asses.

Then it hits me like a ton of bricks. These are the people who caused the fire-both fires, probably. No doubt about it. They are sinister. Evil. Careless.

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