Chapter 9

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Dan's POV

I ran to the potions closet where I saw Jack last, seeing that he stepped in a spilled liquid and tracked it out in the hallways. I followed it to the Ravenclaw common room and stopped at the painting. I had no idea what the password was. A Ravenclaw girl walked past me and looked at me strangely.

"Hey, think you can let me in?" I ask as nicely as I could.

"Why should I?" She replied, smirking.

"Look I have no time for this I just need you to let me in." I said, careful not to lose temper.

"Fine, but you need to let me help you with whatever you're doing."

"Don't you have something else to do?" I asked annoyed, there was no way she'd understand. Spying on someone doesn't look too good.

"Nope, I'm free. So spill. What is it you're trying to do?"


After learning her name was Paige, I quickly explained what I had seen Jack do and how he was with Phil. Paige nodded and agreed with my story, and let me into the common room as we split up in hopes of finding Jack.

"Dan, over here!" I heard Paige call and I tiptoed over to her. She was in the door frame and I poked my head in to see what was happening. Sure enough, Jack was in there brewing some sort of potion.

"That's defiantly a love potion," Paige whispered, "no other one makes that color."

I nodded, glancing over to him as he filled a bottle with the pink liquid.

Jack leaves for a moment, walking past us and being oblivious to our crouched bodies. Paige ran in the room and poured herself a bottle of the potion.

"Are you going to use it?" I asked, in a whisper scream.

"Of course not, idiot, this is proof. We'll go to Phil and show him." She replied matter-o-factually.

"But we have no proof that Jack used it on him." I pointed out as she shook her head in agreement.

"You're right, and since you can't follow them without looking like a desperate ex, you need me to follow them." She smiled.

I nodded, following her out of the common room.


Paige's POV

I don't know why I agreed to this, but Dan did seem desperate and I was bored so why regret it? I was on my way to Hogsmeade, following Jack and Phil, when they turned around and noticed me. My hands were in my pockets and I looked up to see Phil giving me a small smile and a wave. I nodded slighly and continued behind them.

When we got to the pub like place that sold butter beers I went inside and grabbed a drink. Phil sat himself down at a table while Jack stood next to me, asking for two drinks. He grabbed one and poured a little of a pink liquid in. The unmistakable color of the potion. I glanced to where Phil was sitting as Jack made his way there, handing him the mixed butter beer with the potion. I shivered and looked to Phil as he took a sip. His eyes opened brightly and he smiled, looking into Jack's eyes.

"I love you Phil." Jack said, loud enough for me to hear as I made my way out of the pub.

"I love you too, Jack," Phil replied happily, "and these weekly dates here just make me feel so happy with you."

My eyes widened and I let out a small gasp.

Of course! That amount of potion only lasts about a week! He's been giving it to Phil for weeks now!

I realize people around me are staring so I glanced down and continued walking outside, trying to comprehend my thoughts.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while, I'm hanging out with a friend today so I may not have this up by Friday(if I don't, plz don't kill me!).

Anyways my goal is to keep uploading on Fridays and see how that will go.

Yay to DXFallenAngelXD who was Paige in this chapter! Go follow them!

I will be posting the character chapters spaced out so that they don't crowd the story completely and so it makes sense.

~Kat is out! <3 *rides a train into the sun*

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