Chapter 7

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Phil POV

Dan and I were in the dining room with the little students that also stayed at Hogwarts for the Holidays. We walked past Jack and his friend when Dan shoved him with his shoulder. Jack scowled at Dan and look apologetically at me. I quietly smiled and grabbed Dan's hand. I felt someone put something in my pocket and turned to Jack to see him mouth 'open without him here'. I nodded and leaned into Dan as we sat down somewhere with PJ and Chris, and made small talk for a while.

"Phil, what do you think?" PJ asked me suddenly, I had no idea what he said as I was too busy thinking about Jack's note.

"Sorry?" I asked.

PJ laughed, "What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"Nothing," I replied, PJ knew I was lying but he didn't push it.

We soon left and I walked behind the three for a bit while I opened Jack's note.


I am really sorry about what I did, it was wrong of me. I think you are an amazing person and I want to get to know you better. Maybe without Dan? He doesn't seem to like me very much. Meet me in the library around 3? I'll wait for you.


Phil smiled, he always believed in second chances and he defiantly thought Jack deserved it. Phil made his way to the library, it was about 2:45 now, and waited in the Herbology section for a couple minutes, looking for a nice book.

"I didn't know that you liked Herbology, Phil." I heard Jack's voice behind me.

"Of course! Although muggle plants are so much more fascinating to me." I replied picking a book and putting it under my arm.

"Interesting," he said quietly, "look, Phil, I really want to start over. You are such a good person and I want to be near that. I'm not much of an angel myself, but having you around changes it."

"Of course we can start over!" I exclaim, Jack did seem to be sorry and wanted to change.

"Hi! I'm Phil." I say, offering my hand for a handshake. He took my hand, leaned over and kissed it gently, sending shivers down my spine.

"Pleasure to meet you, Phil. My name is Jack." he said, letting go of my hand. I giggled.

"What the actual frick is going on here?" I hear a voice call out.

"Dan?" I call questingly.

"Jack you little shit, you already hurt Phil once, I'm not going to let you hurt him again." Dan almost yelled.

"Dan, he was just trying to-" I started before being cut off by Dan.

"Phil, don't trust him." he said.

"Dan..." I try to start again.

"Get out of here Jack!" he yelled, he was close to completely flipping out.

"Jack, stay. Dan, get out." I say calmly.

"What?" they both manage to say.

"Dan, stop. Please just leave. I don't need someone like your in my life." I look down at the floor, too scared to look at his face.

I closed my eyes, tears making their way down my face, as I heard footsteps leading out of the library. I felt a warm embrace from Jack and I cried into his shoulder.

"You can always talk to me, Phil." Jack whispered, "You're too good for him."

Am I? If I was why did this hurt so much?


I had hurt Phil, I had broken his fragile heart.

I slammed my fist into the nearest wall to me when I exited the library. Blood was coming down my hand and I felt excruciating pain, but I didn't care right now.

PJ and Chris will understand.

I walked to the Ravenclaw common room, where I left them before I went to the library, and they were still there. Cuddled up, trying to stay warm as PJ read his book and Chris played with PJ's hair. I sighed, more tears streaming down my face, I wish I could hold Phil like that. But I can't. He left me because I hurt him. I'm bad for him. I ruin everything I touch.

Now even more tears come out of my eyes as a sit near PJ and Chris, who look up, look at each other and then move over to sit nearer to me. They hugged me as I told them everything, Jack flirting with Phil, Phil giggling, me yelling, Phil yelling, Phil crying, Phil asking me to leave, me leaving, me crying. And now, as I am crying with my broken heart, Jack and Phil are probably laughing together and cuddling and having the perfect time I wish I could have with Phil. I miss him already, God I miss him.

Phil POV

The rest of the day, Jack took me to the Slytherin common room and we sat in a quiet silence as I pondered what to do and what I had done. I was laying on Jack's shoulder as he began to stand up.

"Well, I heard from someone that you liked muggle plants," Jack smiled, "So, I got you this. I think it's called a cactus or something." Jack handed me a cactus with little pink flowers covering it nicely. It was small and quite cute, in it's own little pot. I smiled and giggled.

"How on Earth did you know?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Would it be too soon to ask you to go on a date with me?" he asked quietly. I thought for a moment.

"I would love to go on a date with you, Jack." I replied, smiling.

"Great." He said grinning, before hugging me and I hugged him back.

"I can't wait." he said, pushing my fringe back so that he could see my eyes. I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. I heard a door close and Dan was standing there, staring at us with red eyes. He put his head down and walked to his room. Jack winked at me when he left.

"He can't hurt you anymore, Phil." he whispered, pulling me into another hug with a quick kiss.

I left quickly after that, not wanting to run into Dan again.

He can't hurt you anymore, Phil. Jack had promised.

That's what he said about you, I thought. So which one do I trust more?


Omg what an emotional roller coaster am i right?

I'm almost at 200 followers YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've decided when I reach 200 i will have a contest among all of you! Comment if you like the idea or whatnot!

~ Kat is out! <3 *cries tears of joy*

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