Prolouge and A/N

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This story is currently  under development and we will update as soon as we figure out how to do things around here.
To Gabriel,"The Trickster",as People would call him due to his habbit of effective pranking,Life was simple and fun.It didn't take a lot of convincing to get this 22 year old College Senior to do some of the most dangerous and Terryfing stunts for even the tiniest rewards.The truth was,He simply didn't care. At all. Not About himself,Not About others ,not about his Family and certainly NOT about his self proclaimed "Friends"

People would often find themselves taking him for an approachable and extroverted guy,due to his friendly and humorous personality, only to back away once realizing their  mistake.

In reality ,Gabriel was really  introverted and closeted.The only thing that made sense to him at the time ,was his passion for Music.

Little did he know that his whole life was about to change.

So sorry for the shitty prologue but I hope you enjoyed it,See you next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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