Stop messing around and lets find the key! chapter 4.

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I thought we have to stop messing around we have no time; we really need to find the key before the dark elves decide to steal it! "Common guys, let’s go there’s only two more doors till we find the key, said Freya." We go through the door and a bunch of skeletons surrounded us, I was a bit nervous but then I thought we really need to kill these guys and get a move on. The lizard drunk a potion and he turned into his monster self. I saw him wipe out all the skeletons in one hit it was terrific, he came very handy in this trip I thought. We got through the final and last door and I was pumped, I told everyone just grab the skeleton key and get out!     Not thinking I ran down the stairs and grabbed the key that was placed on a table nicely. As soon as I did that we were all in danger, water was bursting above us and was going to fill up to the ceiling and I couldn't do nothing about it. The water had already filled up to the door, I tried to open it but it was shut tight. I started to swim around to see if there was a way out and Freya wasn't a good swimmer so she fainted and sunk to the bottom. I asked the lizard to save her because lizards can stay under water for a while.                   As soon as he came up we were all in danger, the water rose right up to our last breath. I thought maybe there was a sharp object that could break through the glass or maybe someone could put a hole in the roof.

The quest to find the skeleton key! (Elder scrolls tale)Where stories live. Discover now