Time to get on the road! chapter 2.

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We all meet up at the Inn, we grab supplies our swords and make a plan. "Now Nord do you know where the cave is to get to the skeleton key says the Khajiit." "I do know where it is, Freya shows me where it is on the map." 'The lizard, and Orc did you bring enough supplies?" "Yes we do, now can we go says the Orc."           I jump on my horse and I follow Freya, all I could think about is the nightmare I had, it was terrible, hopefully nothing bad happens. Once it turned night the moon shined brightly, we were surrounded by wolfs. I saw the fire in the lizard eyes; he looked like he wanted to tear off everyone’s head. I told everyone to back off and let the lizard do his thing, and then if he's better we'll continue the trip. It was just like my nightmare but worse, I saw the lizard attack the wolves like he was the prey and they were his night time snack.

I was just standing there with my horse not knowing what to do, but then the Orc had to take control and tell the lizard to snap out of it. Once he did that everything was back to normal for now. Freya, and the rest of us head to the cave, I had to ask her " are we almost there I'm getting tired and I'm afraid the lizard might turn again?" She said “yeah were almost there, we just have to head through the river then keeping walking straight, then we'll be there." Once we did that, we were finally at the cave. The cave looked hollow and looked like no one has been there in ages.

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