The quest to find the skeleton key! (Dragonborn tale)

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I was galloping down to the nearest Inn with my trusty stead, once I go into the inn I hear people chatting about some skeleton key that opens all doors. If this skeleton key went into bad hands, everything would be stolen. The skeleton key gives people the power to open doors easily, and if in the wrong hands they would use it to steal things. I sit down, and stair outside to see what my horse is doing.  A Nord comes up to me and says “Hi, do you know about the skeleton key powers and what could happen if in the wrong hands?" " Why yes I do, don't tell anyone but I was thinking to get the skeleton key and keep it safe, because I know a couple of dark elves talking about their plan to do with it." I hear a jingle on the door and a big Orc comes in and greets the nord. “Hey Freya, whose the Khajjit?”

“It’s just a customer of mine, were talking about the skeleton key." “Well yes, I was thinking maybe you me and the orc could go on a journey to find it said the Khajiit." “I would need a big strong orc like you to open passages in the tunnel, and a smart nord to help me find the way there, but I think maybe we need another person." An Argonian walks in the inn," I couldn't just stay out of your conversation but, maybe you would need a nice lizard like me". “Well what can you do to help us in our journey said the Khajiit." “I have this special power that lets me attack all evil people but it only happens at night and if I drink a certain potion."

 Hm….I thought maybe this is a pretty good group; I have a strong Orc, a smart Nord, and a weird lizard that attacks people at night. “Well I think we all should have a goodnight rest and come back and meet up back here!" I step outside and ride back home with my horse, I tie her up and go into my breeze home. I keep on dreaming about the journey we are going to have, but not a dream it's kind of like a nightmare.

The quest to find the skeleton key! (Elder scrolls tale)Where stories live. Discover now