// 13 //

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I was frightened, frightened that he wouldn't like me back. Or think I was playing around. I didn't want this friendship that we had just built to be ruined, because of me. As days passed by, I found myself trying to make skinship with him, making sure I was being as subtle as possible.

One bright and breezy day, I was just finishing up reading one of Seokjin's book in his room while sprawled out on his bed. I puffed out as I let the book drop beside me. For a minute, I laid there motionless, my mind thinking about how I was going to settle my feelings for Seokjin.

It was the third time I thought about it that day and my head was beginning to spin. After a while of being unable to conjure up any resolve, I decided to get up and go find Seokjin. I hadn't seen him much today for I heard he had a cooking class today with the castle's cook.

The info took me by surprise as I didn't expect him to be someone who liked anything like that, only because I've never really seen him in the kitchen, though. I skidded into the kitchen and was immediately met with Seokjin's back to me.

From my view, I could see Seokjin's faced streaked with flour as he laughed with the baker about something. I couldn't help but admit he looked adorable at that moment. I let a wide smile crawl its way onto my face, not bothering to cover it, for the first time ever.

I stifled a laughed and slowly creeped up behind him, signalling the baker to play along. He happily followed along. I back-hugged Seokjin as a loud scream emitted from my mouth. In response, he immediately jerked back and turned around.

When he realised it was me, he slapped my arms jokingly like how a mother would. "Why'd you do that? I thought I was gonna have a heart attack, Joonie" I never got used to the nickname he gave me and I'd stop for a second, having a little mental breakdown.

I wasn't going to complain though. The way he pronounced the nickname was simply cute and I can't ever get enough of hearing him say it. He eventually stopped and hugged me back. Before I knew it, Seokjin's flour-covered fingers glided across my face.

I shut my eyes and stood there frozen, feeling silly with myself for not seeing that coming. I huffed as Seokjin's cackle resonated throughout the kitchen. "We're even now" he managed to say in between fits of giggles, hitting his knees.

"Fine, I deserved that" a laugh slipped out when I saw my reflection. "We'll hang out in a bit, okay? I still need to finish up" he nodded towards the oven as he wiped his hands. I hummed as a response and headed towards the garden.

On the way, I thought about what if I never get to tell him how I really feel. It deeply saddened me just imagining it. So I came to a decision to just go with it. As I hung around and taking a look at the fruits sprouting out from the tress nearby, Seokjin appeared.

He had two slices of freshly baked strawberry cakes on a little plate. "Hey sorry if I took too long but I brought you cakes" he spoke not leaving a space for me to talk. "I just made them, go ahead and have a taste" he beamed, excitedly pushing the plate onto my lap.

"Thanks Jin but I-" he held his hand up to let him talk first. "Hold on, I just finished my new poem that I wrote last night. Can I read it to you now? Please? I think it's the best one yet" he pleaded while jumping around.

Seeing as how he looked so exuberant to read his new poem, I motioned for him to go on. Taking off his apron, he fished out a folded paper and began to read.

But little did Seokjin know the content he was about to read would perfectly describe the moment that was about to be played out.

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