"You're not a fraud," I said firmly. "You wrote about the events of Otherworld perfectly."

"Did I?" She looked at Alexander.

He nodded. "You've done us justice, Elizabeth. But you are a little too psychic for your own good." I knew it took a lot for him to say that, especially since he considered her books a complete invasion of privacy.

"Have you had psychic experiences before?" Ms. P. asked.

Elizabeth considered that. "I've always been intuitive, much to the annoyance of my husband. Take me to a party, and if there's tension between two guests, I'll know it, even if they're across the room from each other. Ever since I was a kid, I've picked up on thoughts, feelings."

"You're an empath," Alexander said. "It's a well-known skill in my world, as you know. My aunt was the same way."

"Helen," Elizabeth said softly. "I was thinking of her the other day. You know, I always thought it was strange. I didn't want her to die, but no matter how I tried to write it, her death was inevitable."

I saw a muscle twitch in Alexander's jaw. "She was a fine woman, my aunt."

"She loved you so much, Alexander. She saw you as a son."

He didn't meet her eyes. He changed the topic. "I'm quite sure I've discovered the location of the portal. It is at the base of the Michigan Avenue Bridge. Our only problem now is Vigo."

The mention of his name sent a tremor through Elizabeth. "You know what he and his coven have done to your city, Alexander. It's just a matter of time before he does it to ours."

"I have every intention of finding him and killing him, once and for all," he said, a hard edge to his voice. "But in the meantime, you are not safe."

"I know." She had a pleading look in her eyes. "How do I keep my family safe?"

To my surprise, Alexander got up and walked over to sit beside her, taking her hand. "You're going to get through this," he assured her. "But you must leave town immediately."

"My sister-in-law has a cottage on Lake Superior. Maybe we can go there."

"That's not good enough. You have to go somewhere where you have no connections, a place he can't possibly anticipate. Your choice should be random, somewhere you've never been to before. And your husband will have to join you there. Or else he can be used as bait to reel you in. You know Vigo."

"Far better than I want to." The frightened look in her eyes said it all. "My husband will never believe what's happening, though. I think I told you, he's in L.A. on business. I called him in a panic last night, but he thinks I'm just having an anxiety attack over the third book. Whenever I try to start it, all I can see are James and Hannah searching the streets for some trace of you, Alexander." She paused for a few seconds. "I've gotten threatening e-mails in the past. Maybe I'll tell my husband that the threats have escalated and that the police suggested we leave town for a while."

"Good," Alexander said. "You should go overseas. It's unlikely that Vigo will pursue you there. Here, you were easy targets, being so close to Chicago. But he's enjoying terrorizing Chicago too much to leave now. You're not worth that much to him."

"I hope you're right. I just don't understand.... Why does Vigo want to kill me?"

"You have exposed his insecurities, not to mention the probabilities method he used to evade me. And there may be another reason. Killing you would create a media sensation and give him the notoriety he craves."

"I — I see." I saw her pretty features start to crack.

"We'll take you and your children to the airport," Alexander said. "Within a few hours, you'll be safely out of the country. Now you'd better go pack."

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