If you say so (I)

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She tucked a strand of light brown wavy air behind her ear as she relaxed into the chair beneath her. Tired feet stretched in her boots, and she sighed deeply as her eyes flickered over Lili's hands browsing through even more racks of clothes.

    Her head leaned against the cold smooth glass of the window behind her and she closed her eyes. A hand brushed up against her  leg, "cheer up India, i'm almost done," Lili said with a laugh. Her eyes fluttered open and a thin smile pressed into her cherry red lips.

    "If you say so," she breathed. Her eyes turned from the small vintage store to the bustling streets below. Sun clung to the tops of peoples heads and chatter filled the air, small glimpses of conversation floating up to meet her curious ears. She watched the people walking by. Women in jeans and sweaters, a child's sticky hand clinging onto their leg. Business men and women clad in suits with briefcase in hand walking down the street in long strides. She watched the teenagers laughing as they stumbled down the street in groups, occasionally pausing to take a photo with the street art on the building. Sighing she pressed her cheek against the glass letting the warm spring sun heat her body. "Everyone is the same," she muttered to herself as more busy people walked by - everyone was always so busy - always in a rush.                                                                   

"Lets go," Lili said reaching out a hand adorned with a bag containing her new purchases.

India's hand intertwined with Lili's as they walked down the cobbled street. The wind whispered in their ears accompanied by the occasional twinkle of a wind chime.

"Why are you so down today?" Lili asked leaning in to nudge her friends shoulder.

"I wish more people payed attention," she muttered pulling her hand from Lili's and running it through her hair with a sigh.

"You pay attention enough for the rest of us," Lili joked.

"You know what I mean," India said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "I wish more people would appreciate what we have here!" She shouted spinning around with her arms out wide.

Lili laughed, "me too," she said with a smile as they walked down the street.

She smiled wide as the sun danced making patterns beneath her closed eyes. She stretched her arms out aside her grasping at the green grass and yawned. "How long have we been here?" She questioned Lili.

"An hour?" Lili sat up from her spot in the park looking around as she stretched her back. "Come on," she said all of a sudden, "be my model for me please? I want to take more pictures." India smiled and pushed her elbows down at her sides, standing up from the grass. "Sit here," Lili motioned to a wooden bench at the base of a tree, "now look pretty," she laughed. India sat on the bench crossing her legs so that her orange striped dress splayed out over her knees.

 India sat on the bench crossing her legs so that her orange striped dress splayed out over her knees

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She leaned back smiling at the squirrels running up and down the branches of the tree. The noise of a camera click made her look up and she saw Lili waving around the polaroid in her hand, attempting to make it dry.

"Hows it look?" India asked. Lili smiled at her hand before passing the photo to her friend. She lay still on the bench, a smile spreading from her lips all the way to the twinkle in her eyes, she looked beautiful. India looked at the rest of the picture, she could see the squirrels hanging from the branches and the children in the park playing behind her. India frowned as her eyes landed on a man standing just a few feet away from the bench. He looked tall, a white rolling stones shirt covered tattoos peeking out from the edges. His brown curly hair was falling down from the bun on top of his head, partially covering his face, but she could still see his eyes. They were wide and emerald green, they were staring right at her. India spun around, the polaroid grasped firmly between her fingers, but he was gone, nowhere to be seen.

Her name was India [hs au]Where stories live. Discover now