First struggle

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(Talia POV)

Get up Talia!"
"TALIA! I won't tell you again get up! Your going to be late for work!!"
"Jeeeeez I'm up I'm up!!"
I rolled out of bed and fell on the floor "shit"
I got dressed and walked out of my room and into the kitchen
"Where's dad?"
"In bed still"
"Not for looooonnnnggg" I said running in and waking him up
"Jeezus yes I'm up tal jeez get off me!"
"Soz" I got my breakfast and dad walked in with just his boxers on
"Yes Zi?"
"Put some trousers on!"
"Tal go wait in the car I'll be down in a sec"
"Awww does Zi not like me dressed with little clothes on?"
"Tony I love you with clothes on or off but not infront of Talia she's 15 for god sake!"
"Ok I won't do it again"
When dad finally got dressed we headed to NCIS for the day I didnt go to school as I had been military school and was in fifth grade when I was five so I think I'm good

"Hey McGoooooo"
"Hello tal nice to see you"
"You toooooooo"
"Hey Ggggggggg"
"Good morning Talia"
"Why so grumpy?" I asked leaning into his desk with puppy eyes "Tali I will tickle you if you don't go and see Abby!"
"Ok I'm going!"
I ran down to Abby's lab
"Hey abbyyyyyyyy!!"
"Hey taliiiiiiiii"
"So Gibbs said he would tickle me if I didn't come see you so if he comes I can to see you!"
"Of course you did!" She smiled and I skipped off

(Tony POV)
"So you do like it?"
"So you don't like it?"
"Well it's ya do or don't"
"Hey mommmmmm hey daaaaaddd"
"What" we chanted
"Can I........"
"Dad! You didn't let me finish!"
"Can I go and meet a friend later?"
"Which friend?"
"Tali no means no!"
"Guess what? Hate means don't like! Deal with it!!"
She stormed out of the room probably to see Palmer or McGee she's spent a lot of time with them lately.....

~later that night~

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" my parents came running "Tali what's wrong???"
"Dad I don't know there's blood I'm scared!!"
"Talia calm down you've started you period it's ok" my mom gave me a pad whilst dad changed my sheets I was sat on the bathroom floor and my mom came in "well done honey"
"What for?"
"You took this better than what I did!"
"Oh jeee I don't wanna know!!" I said quickly getting up and going back to bed.
Mom said I didn't have to come in if I didn't want to but I did it was my birthday of course I had to go!!

Well my parents woke me up at 5 due to my birthday
"PLEEEEEEEEESE AT LEAST LET ME GET DRESSED FIRST!!" they walked out and gave me privacy I walked out 30 mins later and they told me to open my gifts when we got there so everyone could see my reaction to what they had brought me.

When we got there the entire Song was repeated to me again!"
"Jeeee thanks guys" I laughed
"Ok present time!?" Abby squealed "parents first"
They handed me a rectangular box wrapped in pretty fairy wrapping paper I tore off the rapper to reveal and iPhone 7 "Fuck!? Seriously is this mine!?"
"Not of you keep swearing"
I got loads of gifts from the others like stationary sweets and iPad 3ds iPod trip to cinema to see spectacular (made up movie) the best movie alive!?
After a tiring day I fell asleep at like 6:56Pm

She's had a busy day bless her little heart"
"I know"
We stared at Talia for at least five minutes when Jenny walked in
"Finished watching her yet?"
"Uh yes sorry jenny"
Tony carried her to the car and up to bed
"Love you my little angel" he whispered
"Love you too dad" she whispered back which melted his heart x 😍

Sorry this chapter is really bad it's 5:55 and I can't sleep so I carried on writing hope you enjoy sorry about mistakes and spellings please keep reading vote! And add my book to your lists that's all I care about!??
Baiiiii 😊😊😊😊😊👋👋 so I skipped a but now Talia was found and the man was killed and now Talia is 16

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