Chapter 7

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James' POV

Remus, Peter, Sirius and I all headed to our usual compartment which luckily was still free because most of the other compartments were full. We decided to play truth or dare on the way home and I started.

"Remus truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Uhhhh truth." he replied.

"who do you like?" I said and immediately Sirius leaned in to make sure he could hear what Remus.

Remus was blushing furiously and just audibly said," I like Allison...."

Sirius then shouted at me "HA! PAY UP!" so I reluctantly handed him a galleon while Remus rolled his eyes. During all of this Peter was asleep after being out all night. Where he was the whole night was still a mystery to the rest of us.

Just then, Alice pulled open the door and peered in and shut it immediately after. All of us were very confused and I could hear muttering outside. A minute later, Marlene opened the door and Lily, Allison and Alice followed.

All former conversations came crashing to a halt because never in a million years would Lily Evans sit in the same compartment as me James Potter.

"Hey, Evans." I said quite nervous. She gave me a strange look and said, "Hi Potter?"

"Was that a question?" I inquired. "No," she said" But usually your not the kind to be polite." She finished sternly.

"why are you here?" Asked Peter after waking up when the girls came in. Sirius elbowed Peter in the ribs and muttered just audibly," Don't be rude!"
"Ow!" he said louder than he had meant to. Everyone then turned around and stared at the two. "For your information we are only here as there is no other compartment." said Lily clearly unhappy to be there.

The smirk on my face quickly changed to a frown as a small part of me had a small bit of hope that Lily had sat in my compartment by choice and not by a silly inconvenience.

The whole train ride home was filled with laughter and jokes as our 5th year at Hogwarts came to a close. The train ride also was filled with me smiling at Lily and Lily scowling at me.

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